Wisdom when “Your World” Falls Apart by Robert Ricciardelli

Wisdom when “Your World” Falls Apart by Robert Ricciardelli January 5, 2012

One of the great challenges in humanity is that we believe we have all the answers. God is patiently shifting us towards increased wisdom and knowledge, and usually does this by making our self-made world fall apart. God uses the pain of “Our world” falling apart to show us a life much bigger than we had imagined. Faith sustains us and allows us to discover how much we really need God. God is always drawing us closer and growing us in wisdom and stature through experiential life, and most of the time we do not even know it is happening.

Have you ever been caught in the trap of “I know,”and then finding out later, you did not have a clue?

We must not protect our self made existence because in doing so, we miss the opportunity for God to dismantle it for a better way.

Embrace with humility what the Lord is teaching you through the suffering times.

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