Ministers of Love

Ministers of Love June 2, 2014

From the pages of my journal this morning a few spontaneous thoughts on what it means to serve through a ministry of Love…

Seek ways to fearlessly express God’s Love.

Be love. Preach love. Celebrate love. Serve love as a Sacrament. Express love. Inspire love. Reveal love. Seek love. Serve love. Embrace love. Nurture love. Live in love. Die to love.

In this time of economic, political, and religious polarization on our earth the spiritual invitation is to seek to discover the place of common ground in one another…the place where there is shared desire, longing, and vulnerability.  From that threshold place of basic human need, the possibility to open the door to the pathway of acceptance and love is revealed. Offer love as the antidote for fear.

God needs lovers. Darkness feasts on mistrust, greed, and judgment. Choose to love without an agenda for a desired outcome other than to spark love in another. Forgiveness and compassion are love’s handmaidens. Generosity is love’s child.

Spill love into everyone and everything you do. Be in gratitude and amazement as your pitcher of love is refilled until it overflows.

A question arises to use as my daily compass. A question that opens a space to be filled with healing, inspiration, and creativity. A question that leads to the pathway of indwelling peace and the Source of unending love.

How am I choosing to express love through my next action, word, response, or creation?

Beauty is the by-product of love. Be love and beauty will follow.

Light gravitates and radiates from love. Be love and ignite the light, the love, in others.

The Divine spark, the love and light of God, of Creation, are every human’s birthright. God’s Love endures and we are made, body and bone, hearts and spirits from that same Love, to be love, to serve love, to live in love.

Five daily questions for a minister of Love….

  1. How will I share the blessing of being alive with someone today?
  2. Where in my heart do I recognize fear, greed, mistrust, and judgment?
  3. How might I minister to myself with love to return to my center?
  4. Who in my life today needs to know he/she is loved and how will I respond?
  5. What form of beauty will I create to freely share today in the name of Love?
Let’s begin a revolution of creative, innovative, authentic, unbridled, fearless, holy LOVE!!


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