January 8, 2016

You know how sometimes you feel someone’s looking at you even though you’re not looking at them?  That happened to me yesterday afternoon as I was writing at a Starbucks outside Minneapolis. I looked up to find a young man standing there, looking at me.  When I looked up, he motioned for me to remove my headphones, so I did. “Can I use your phone?” he asked. “I locked my keys and my phone in my car and it is... Read more

January 7, 2016

This week I’ve been in two places that really know winter well — New England and Minnesota. Empty, frozen branches are framed against the backdrop of a gray sky, which begins to darken in the mid-afternoon and is completely dark by 4:30 p.m. When I stand outside, I hear a profound silence, and feel a deep stillness, as if the whole world is sleeping or, in the case of annuals and leaves, it has died.   It will be months... Read more

January 6, 2016

Today is the Day of Epiphany, also known as Three Kings’ Day, which marks the day the magi came to visit baby Jesus. I like to joke that the Day of Epiphany is the day the magi opened their credit card statement and realized just how much the gold, frankincense and myrrh had really cost them.  But there is, of course, a deeper meaning to  the day and a deeper significance to the story. The Day of Epiphany was Jesus’... Read more

January 4, 2016

I’m writing this post in O’Hare International Airport this morning.  I was supposed to land in Minneapolis last night, but the flight from ORD to MSP was cancelled due to a crew issue. I was told to call the airline’s 1-800 number to rebook, which I did, and after 35 minutes on the phone with the woman, I was no closer to rebooking my flight than I was when I called.  So I had to wait in line and talk... Read more

December 31, 2015

Yesterday I was supposed to fly 1 hour and 45 minutes from central Illinois to Atlanta and then, after an hour layover, I was supposed to fly from Atlanta to JFK in time to meet friends for dinner.  Then, one of my friends was supposed to drive me up to New Haven.  It sounded like an easy, no-fail plan. And then. I got to the airport at 5 a.m. for a 6 a.m. flight.  That flight kept getting delayed and... Read more

December 29, 2015

This week, as New Years Eve approaches, I’ve been thinking a lot about 2015.  I’ve been asking the question that God asks Hagar in Genesis 16: “Where have you come from and where are you going?” For me, most of 2015 has been characterized by travel and change.  I don’t think any two days have been alike. I had 20 speaking engagements.  I slept in 32 hotels, drove 19 rental cars and flew 30,000 miles.  I visited 20 states, 9... Read more

December 24, 2015

The day before Jesus was born was not a fun day in Bethlehem.  The town was overcrowded.  People were there for a mandatory census.  The Jews had been oppressed by the Romans for a long time, and no prophet had spoken words from God in centuries. And yet. God had already heard the prayers of people who had been crying out to him for so long.  God had already devised a plan.  God had already put events in motion that would... Read more

December 23, 2015

It’s two days before Christmas, and there’s lots to do. In many of our lives, there’s always lots to do.  But during Advent, there’s  even more ‘lots to do’ than usual. Sugar cookies. Holiday parties.  Food prep.  Christmas tree decorating.  Gingerbread houses.  Greeting cards.  Gifts for children, parents, teachers, friends.  Family dinners.  Work parties.  Church services.  Christmas pageants.  Oh, and let’s not forget the Ugly Sweater contests. Christians often repeat what is now a cliché, “Let’s keep Christ in Christmas.”  But instead,... Read more

December 21, 2015

The Star is one of my favorite parts of the Advent story.  Like the famous Left Shark in Katy Perry’s show, the star takes on its own identity, and becomes a character in the Nativity. Stars are truly amazing, and I’m truly fascinated by them. I’ve spent hours lying on my back in remote places out of the reach of light pollution, watching them and wishing on them.  I went camping in rural Oregon a few summers ago and witnessed the... Read more

December 18, 2015

I have an oncology appointment today.  I go in every six months for a check-up and an injection of medicine that (hopefully) will prevent a breast cancer recurrence. Every time I visit my oncologist, I have really mixed feelings.  Part of me is grateful that, 9 years after my cancer diagnosis, I’m still here.  I’m also grateful that there’s medicine I can take to not only treat, but prevent, cancer.  And part of me is angry that I got cancer in... Read more

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