What is it Like to Be a Scientologist?

What is it Like to Be a Scientologist? December 21, 2016

There is an excellent article on World Religion News on what it’s like to be a Scientologist.

It also appears on the Scientology Parent website and was written by  that parent, Tad Reeves.

Tad threw it open to other Scientologists to answer a question submitted by a student:

In your personal opinion, how do you think Scientology is different from other religions ex: Christianity, Catholic[ism], Islam, when it comes to day to day living?

The article on World Religion News takes excerpts from some of these answers, but all of them are quite interesting.

In my experience, this is a really difficult question to answer because Scientologists come from so many countries, backgrounds, interests…finding the things that they hold in common could be quite challenging.

But I think a few points came across in the answers:

  1. Their religion holds a fairly central role in all of their lives. They don’t treat it as a “go to church of Sunday” commitment. They attend courses or counseling sessions and contribute in their communities.
  2. All of those answering the questions have a sense of reaching out to others beyond themselves and their families–to neighbors, the community and as a volunteer on philanthropic projects such as human rights and drug education

Tad and his wife Katherine have three kids and Tad is such a prolific blogger you can follow the births and development of the children in photos, videos and posts over the past 8 or 9 years. I’ve never met his kids in the flesh but from keeping up with his postings I feel an intimate part of the family.


His flickr channel is also a great way to get to know the family.


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