The WINNER’S Guide to NFP, Day 3, Twelve Prizes

The WINNER’S Guide to NFP, Day 3, Twelve Prizes July 23, 2014

It’s Simcha Fisher Natural Family Planning Awareness Week! In honor of the fact that apparently other people besides me are writing on the topic (whew!), I’m sharing a few of the really good articles I’ve seen in the last few days. One recurring theme:

the Church never calls us to plan other people’s families, no matter how much prudence and generosity we employ while doing it. 

Here are some good reads:

from Katie van Schaijik: a cogent and persuasive essay about those nefarious Catholics who are Abusing NFP

from Christian Brugger, moral theologian who has walked the walk: What Does Being Unconditionally Pro-Life Apply

Scott Richert’s 6 Myths about NFP that Everyone Knows to be True

Jen Fitz’s first two installments in her series of tips about NFP: Learn from a real live human  and If at first you don’t succeed, learn another method.


Got a great article about NFP, or got something to say? Leave it in the comments, and go ahead and count that as a “make up your own entry” or whatever it’s called. Please spread the word! A high-traffic month for this blog takes a lot of pressure off the poor old Fisher budget.  Thanks.

And now . . . the prizes!  Including another ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor! Oh, and I’m thrilled to announce that I now have a total of five ClearBlue Easy Monitors to give away, thanks to another anonymous donor!

Plus, plus, a bonus contest is in the works. A big one. I am working on firming up plans with a lovely sponsor who would like to give away a Baby-Comp, which can help you either avoid pregnancy or conceive. Yep, one of those lovely gadgets that retails for over $500.

Stay tuned!




The Sinner’s Guide to Natural Family Planning autographed to your specs



once again sponsored by the sponsorific Shaun McAfee. Do check out his site! It’s so refreshing to hear from a young husband and father so enthusiastic about his faith.



$25 gift certificate for Pampered Chef  sponsored by Jessica Chastek.

 (pictured: one of the products you may choose if you win!)

Jessica is a lovely young mom who takes time, in her round-the-clock duties caring for a nursing baby, to encourage and support other moms who feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Jessica says:

As a Pampered Chef consultant I help families to get in and out of the kitchen quickly and efficiently by sharing cooking products, tips, and recipes so they can spend more time around the table with their loved ones. I not only want to help you solve the often repeated question, “What’s for Dinner,” but can also assist with recipes for pot lucks, birthday gifts, weddings showers, fundraisers, and provide tips and tricks for easy entertaining. So tell me your current kitchen-related woes and lets work together to find the right solution.



A pair of books by Leah Perrault:


How Far Can We Go? Leah Perrault and Brett Salkeld; and Theology of the Body for Every Body by Leah Perrault

 How Far Can We Go? is a plain-spoken, orthodox and helpful guide to dating and sex for Catholics. I liked this book very much, and I could have sworn I reviewed it, but I can’t find it anywhere. This review from The Darwins expresses very well what I liked about How Far Can We Go?

I haven’t  had a chance to read Theology of the Body for Every Body yet, but the eminent Susan Windley-Daoust, author of Theology of the Body Extended, give it a rave review here. Windley-Daoust says:

In Part I, Perrault uses short, eminently readable chapters to introduce salient motifs within the audiences: John Paul’s understanding and use of human experience, scripture, “original man,” the spousal meaning of the body, sacramentality, seeing through hope, and the philosophy of the acting person.  … Besides providing some background outside the audiences, she peppers the first half of the book with pastoral examples.
But what may really open people’s eyes is the second half of the book, “Living the Theology of Our Bodies.”  Perrault’s own background as a pastoral minister serves us here as she moves through narrative after narrative of Christians, young and old, single and married and divorced and widowed and consecrated, facing messy realities that require discernment as to how to give oneself to God through others.   While Perrault connects the dots in some of the narratives to the Theology of the Body themes, other narratives are left to stand as evocative possibilities.  It is fascinating and poignant reading, made important by the implied challenge given the reader: how is this lived reality–a decision between two goods, a process of dying, an opportunity to address a family conflict–a sign that points to God?


One year’s subscription to the  NFP Charting Online app. Here’s a screenshot:



For people who are fed up with stickers! This app is designed for use with Billings, but it’s pretty easy to adapt for Creighton as a personal chart. Teachers get free access if their students have a registered account, so you can share easily for consultation. Nicely designed, clear, user-friendly, designed by a fellow who’s used Billings with his wife since 2006.



Maite Roche My First Prayers for My Family (has “sample” sticker on the cover, but it is in like-new condition)



Charming four-color pictures help introduce very young children to prayers that celebrate the blessings of family life. Included are prayers giving thanks for our parents and the gift of our baptism. There are also warm and gentle petitions for pardon and for the departed members of our family.

Ages 2 and up

Maite Roche is the Catholic children’s author who gives me hope for the future of Catholic children’s books! I wrote about her warm, luminous illustrations here.
Note: this book is a sample, and is brand new, but has a sticker that says “sample” on the cover.  Donated by my BILB (brother-in-law’s brother), John Herreid, who also designed my book’s cover, which is my favorite thing ever.


Package of 10 Pope Francis Magnets, sponsored by my publisher, Our Sunday Visitor:



Here’s a gentle reminder for every member of the family — a magnet bearing Pope Francis’ advice to be ready always to say “please, sorry, and thank you” to family members. Showing courtesy, humility, and gratitude toward the family helps make peace and love flourish in the home. Post this magnet on the refrigerator, on the back door, on the family bulletin board, or anywhere it’s sure to be seen and acted on.

This prize is a package of ten magnets. Keep some, spread the rest around!




His and Hers Young Living Massage Oil by Gabrielle Ellwanger of Living Life Oily


Now we’re talkin’! A set of two bottles of Young Living massage oils, one with a masculine scent and one with a feminine scent.



Fertility, Cycles, & Nutrition by Marilyn Shannon sponsored by Suzanne Emery Andrews



Based on her experience both as an instructor of human anatomy and physiology at Indiana University Purdue University at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and over 25 years as a Natural Family Planning (NFP) teacher, Shannon is convinced that in most cases, self-care for better fertility is the best place to start.

A mainstay originally for couples practicing NFP, Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition has helped thousands of women over the years to improve their fertility cycles, often either making the practice of NFP easier, relieving cycle irregularities, or helping them to achieve a much-desired pregnancy.

While the new 4th edition does not really conflict with the old, it goes far beyond previous editions.

“There are many new options for basic topics like PMS (premenstrual syndrome), short luteal phase, or heavy bleeding,” Shannon explains. “This edition also provides more explanations of the ‘why and how’ behind various topics, such as why exercise builds bone, how insulin levels relate to PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), how light affects the fertility cycle, or how flax oil differs from fish oil.”





“My Family” locket, designed and sponsored by Cathy Adamkiewitz of Origami Owl


A stainless steel locket with crystals, a “family tree” plate and a heart crystal charm along with a 24 inch silver chain, retail around $60.  Lovely and unusual!



$20 gift certificate to the catalogue of Apostleship of Prayer.


(image is one item from their catalogue. As donor Grace Urbanksi notes, $20 will get you a lot of AoP swag!)

The mission of Apostleship of Prayer:

Since 1844 our mission has been to help Christians live out their desire to serve God with their whole lives and their whole selves. God asks us all to pray for ourselves and for others. To make ourselves a living sacrifice and to pray without ceasing for all the needs of the Church and for the whole world. Since the nineteenth century popes have asked the Apostleship of Prayer to pray for specific intentions. We receive two prayer intentions each month from the Holy Father, pledging ourselves to pray for them every day.

In 2006, the board of the Apostleship of Prayer approved this statement of our mission:

The mission of the Apostleship of Prayer is to encourage Christians to make a daily offering of themselves to the Lord for the coming of God’s Kingdom and for the Holy Father’s monthly intentions. This habit of prayer encourages a Eucharistic spirituality of solidarity with the Body of Christ and loving service to others. Nourishing this spiritual program is the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  

I don’t mean to be an idiot, but I’ve never  heard of them! What an amazing organization. Their catalogue includes a nice selection of gifts and materials, including a children’s section.




Fossil Stone Holy Family Rosary by Betsy Archibald of Ever Ancient, Ever New Knotted Gemstone Rosaries


This is a Fossil Stone rosary knotted with beige thread. It has a Benedictine crucifix and double-sided Holy Family/Holy Spirit centerpiece. The fossil stones are real fossils.

A few people couldn’t see the rosary I posted on Monday, which is a crying shame. It literally took my breath away when I saw the pictures. These rosaries are absolutely gorgeous, really special! If you can’t see the picture, please take a look here and check them out.




And what have we here? Another ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor, this time sponsored by Dr. Michael Czerkes of Women’s Health Associates, St Mary’s Regional Medical Center  in Lewiston, ME.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor Test 1 Count

Dr Michael Czerkes is a pro-life, NFP-only OB/GYN in Lewiston, ME, and is currently accepting new patients.  He received his medical training at Michigan State University, completed a residency in OB/GYN at Maine Medical Center, and is trained in NaProTechnology.   He works to bring authentically Catholic women’s healthcare to a state that he loves.

Oh. My. Gosh. Can you even imagine having a doctor who knows what NFP is, is trained in NFP, doesn’t think you’re a woo fanatic for using NFP? Lewiston Maine, you are so lucky!!!



To win one of these prizes, just dive in to the Rafflecopter form below. There are several ways to win.

Folks, I have four more days of awesome prizes like these, thanks to the generous sponsors who donated their products and services. Here is a complete list of all the sponsors of this contest:


Two rosaries by Ever Ancient, Ever New: Knotted Gemstone Rosaries by Betsy Archibald
Five packets of Pope Francis Family Magnets, ten pieces each
St. Patrick rosary men’s rosary in black onyx and hand cast bronze by Julie of The Peaceful Bead
Crocheted Rosary Pouch by Kelly McClintock
Gift certificate to Apostleship of Prayer by Grace Urbanski

Something Other Than God: How I Passionately Sought Happiness and Accidentally Found It autographed by Jennifer Fulwiler
Bundle of three books from OSV
Forming Intentional Disciples autographed by Sherry Weddell
Your choice of an autographed book by Mark Shea
Blessed, Beautiful, & Bodacious autographed by Pat Gohn
Listen My Son: St. Benedict for Fathers by Dwight Longenecker
Latin-English edition of the Summa Theologiae, winner’s choice of which volume, including the soon-to-be-released Volume VII sponsored by NovAntiqua editor Heidi Keiser
Spice Up Your Marriage: A 28-Day Adventure (for Kindle) by Hallie Lord
How the First Christians Changed Dying autographed by Billy Kangas
five copies of The Sinner’s Guide to NFP autographed by me
Holy Sex! by Greg Popcak
Classroom Management for Catechists autographed by Jen Fitz, sponsored by St. Francis Catholic Books & Gifts Shop
Four copies of Maite Roche’s My First Prayers for My Family
The Handbook for Catholic Moms autographed by Lisa Hendey
Theology of the Body, Extended: The Spiritual Signs of Childbirth, Impairment, and Dying by Susan Windley-Daoust (a.k.a. The Ironic Catholic)
Two copies each of How Far Can We Go? Leah Perrault and Brett Salkeld; and Theology of the Body for Every Body by Leah Perrault
Woman, How Great Thou Art autographed by Theresa Martin


Handmade baby quilt by Mary Lenaburg
Your choice of silicone teething pendants by Peacemaker Jewelry


Sam Rocha “Late to Love”
Set of three CDs by Marie BelletNew Springtime, Lighten Up, and Ordinary Time


Silver and zinc bracelet from Salt, Light & Silver
Steel “Family Tree” locket with crystals designed by Cathy Adamkiewitz at Origami Owl
Voucher for Lilla Rose hair jewelry by Monique Krestyn
Reversible necklace from Premier Designs by Alana McGough


Pamper Me gift basket by Cindy Cheshire, Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant
Goatmilk Soap gift bag by Shalimar Masters of Victory Ranch Soaps
Gift certificate for $25 to Robin’s Soap Shoppe
His and Hers Young Living Massage Oil by Gabrielle Ellwanger of Living Life Oily
Shampoo bar, orange soap bar, foaming hand soap, and counter spray by Samantha McCarty ofRadiantly You


hand knit charcoal gray men’s cap by Suzanne Andrews
Sauerkraut making kit Rochelle Nelson
blown glass hummingbird or slug from Blow Hard Glass Studio
$25 gift certificate for Pampered Chef by Jessica Chastek
T-shirt from New Wave Feminists
Toaster oven from Marcia and Nacho Bono!!!!!!!!!!!


Fertility, Cycles, & Nutrition by Marilyn Shannon, sponsored by Suzanne Emery Andrews
Two copies of Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Tony Wechsler, sponsored by Larissa Halsell

Creighton Introductory Session and two Follow-ups via Skype or phone, a $120 value; OR a copy of The NaProTechnology Revolution valued around $45 from FCP (and Creighton pioneer) Kathy Rivet of Marguerite d’Youville Fertility Care Services
Creighton Introductory session from FCP Jessica McAfee of the Pope Paul VI Institute
Creighton Introductory session via Skype, plus a 20% discount on follow-up classes by FCP Amy Sherlock of This Cross I Embrace
Creighton sessions from FCP Lindy Meyer
One year’s subscription for the NFP Charting Online App (designed for Billings)
Period Diary app for the iPhone sponsored by Michelle Arnold
30 ClearBlue Easy Test Sticks sponsored by a well-wisher
ClearBlue Easy Fertility monitor sponsored by sponsored by Dr Michael Czerkes, a pro-life, NFP-only OB/GYN in Lewiston, ME
ClearBlue Easy Fertility monitor sponsored by Kenneth Scagel of The Roper School, an online classical high school program
ClearBlue Easy Fertility monitor sponsored by Pilgrims Headed Home ministry and Totus Tuus Fertility Care
ClearBlue Easy Fertility monitor sponsored by a well-wisher!
ClearBlue Easy Fertility monitor sponsored by another well-wisher!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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