Scenes from the class war

Scenes from the class war October 3, 2013

This is my idea of fun.”

“This is what they came to Washington to do — to break the government of the United States. It doesn’t matter any more whether they’re doing it out of pure crackpot ideology, or at the behest of the various sugar daddies that back their campaigns, or at the instigation of their party’s mouth-breathing base. It may be any one of those reasons. It may be all of them. The government of the United States, in the first three words of its founding charter, belongs to all of us, and these people have broken it deliberately.”

“If this seems vaguely familiar, it’s because a similar dynamic came up in Oklahoma in May, and in Texas in April, when conservative lawmakers endorsed federal resources for their communities after having voted against relief for others.”

“This campaign would be amusing, if it didn’t stand a significant chance of actually persuading people to sacrifice their own health and finances for somebody else’s political cause.”

It will save me over $6,000. For that, I would have waited all day.”

Get out of the way so I can help my people.”

“This case shows the lengths that banks and their service providers will go to abuse and intimidate borrowers in foreclosure.”

“Private property rights are theoretical at this point.”

“Richmond, Calif., may become the first city in the U.S. to take over underwater mortgages after city council members approved an unorthodox plan to protect residents from foreclosure.”

“The head of American International Group apologized Tuesday for his ‘poor choice of words’ in comparing public outrage over excessive bonuses following the 2008 recession to lynchings that occurred in the Deep South a half a century ago.”

“Independent of what one thinks of the scale of the food stamp program, this is a particularly bad policy, and understanding why it is so bad might give us some clues about why our social policy apparatus is such a mess.”

“Still, 49 million Americans don’t know where their next meal is coming from in a country filled with abundance.”

“Anyone who genuinely supports cutting food stamps is not an intellectual or an ideologue – they’re a bully.”

“Conservatives seem, in particular, to believe that freedom’s just another word for not enough to eat.”

“It is the totality of the slander which becomes propaganda: Every poor person is lazy and unwilling to work, every person needing help from the government is a leech (with the exception of any viewers of Fox News who might be on Medicare and Social Security, naturally), there are no hard-working poor people in the whole wide world!

“As many as 100,000 workers have taken to the streets to demand a minimum wage of $104 per month, up from the current minimum of $39.”

“It is a question of a fair balance between your present abundance and their need, so that their abundance may be for your need, in order that there may be a fair balance.”

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