Postcards from the culture wars (9.4)

Postcards from the culture wars (9.4) September 4, 2015

“People are aware I have influence within the church so they say things like, ‘You’ve got the blood of a generation on your hands’ and various crazy things about [me] working with the devil, and hoping I’ll be hurt, injured, disabled; people saying it would be right for me to be taken out.”

“County Clerk Kim Davis sincerely believes that granting a marriage license to a same-sex couple would take away from the sanctity of her first, second, third and fourth marriages.”

“If you are looking for 13 Little Things That Can Make a Man Fall Hard for You, it is no longer available. For a quick explanation of why, here’s our response.”

Did you fall down, hit your head and think you woke up in the 1950s or the 1890s?”

“But really, monitoring sea turtle nests should not be a life-threatening experience.”

Fourteen police officers to subdue one black man with one leg? My goodness, what if he had two?”

(The Other 98%)

“There is no more California. … It’s now international, lawless territory. Everything is up for grabs. Illegal aliens are murdering people there. People are being raped. Trump isn’t lying about anything — the rest of the country just hasn’t found out yet.”

“When your response to news that a couple of jackasses just invoked your name when they beat the crap out of a homeless guy is to salute your ‘passionate’ followers who ‘love this country,’ you’ve gone next-level.”

I wish I had big nuts like him.”

The idea that the social engineering starts at the moment that somebody might want to restore somebody to their full civil rights, 40 years into the rigged game. And that’s when you object? Sorry, that’s racist to begin your argument there.”

Missouri Lawmakers Respond to Sexual Harassment of Interns by Suggesting Intern Dress Code

The manipulation of the videos does mean they have no evidentiary value in a legal context and cannot be relied upon for any official inquiries.” (NYT link)

The clinics prevented 570,000 abortions and saved taxpayers $7.6 billion.”

The point is this: Abortion is not like slavery.”


Whether the Internet is simply a new, more broadly accessible forum for old debates about the meaning of America, or whether it is facilitating a new kind of culture war altogether, is not entirely clear.”

“By embracing a false ‘middle ground,’ they are implicitly endorsing a view of the Bible that subjugates women while simultaneously telling us that women are not important enough to fight for – or even take a damn stance for.”

“We’d been taught to distrust and ignore anything that contradicted our narrative of people who get abortions as loose women who hated babies.”

Before GOP 2016er Ben Carson was slamming fetal tissue research, the neurosurgeon was conducting studies on fetal tissues himself.”

Josh Duggar isn’t the first conservative Christian who has lived a hypocritical double life, and given the toxic mix of Christian shame, sexual denial, image and privilege, he certainly won’t be the last.”

The story here is not necessarily the racist and anti-immigrant message anchoring Trump’s ideology. Instead, it’s the fact that so much of the Republican electorate is with him, and that other members of the GOP are unable to challenge his message for fear of losing that base.”

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