Postcards from the culture wars (4.12)

Postcards from the culture wars (4.12) April 12, 2016

“When we began to look through some of Bryan Fischer’s most controversial statements — which are bad enough that he was publicly rejected by the 2012 Republican nominee — we found that they weren’t too different from things that Republican presidential frontrunners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz say every day.”

“We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.”

“The Elkhorn students taunted black and Latina girls soccer players with racial slurs and chants like ‘Donald Trump, build that wall.'”

“What it smelled like to me was there was this right-wing Republican ideology permeating the school that didn’t seem healthy to me.”

“While these communications from you are fully loaded with the language of evangelical piety and spirituality, they actually say nothing specific about what is being lamented, repented of, forgiven, or healed.”

“How many trans people have been arrested for sex acts in bathrooms? As best as we can tell, zero. How many GOP politicians? At least three.”

“For many whites, progress toward a more equal, multi-racial society decreases feeling of their own self-worth.”

It’s immigration, stupid.”


I need to get a message to the governor that I am on day three of my period. My flow seems abnormally heavy, but my cramps are much better …”

“We can all think of candidates who’ve flip-flopped on one issue or another, but it’s exceedingly rare to see a leading presidential hopeful execute a flip-flop-flip-flop-flip.”

“‘Such an interesting question,’ he said. ‘So what’s your next question?'”

“Since 1977, there have been 11 murders, 26 attempted murders, 42 bombings, 185 arsons, and thousands more incidents of criminal behavior directed at abortion providers.”

“Even though the only people I’m going to see are fellow escorts, patients on their way inside, and 30+ angry evangelicals who quiz me about how many abortions I’ve had and call me a prostitute, I still have to look cute, you know?”

Heritage uses the past as a bludgeon.”

“There are too many Clares in the world who have been sold a bill of goods that they cannot go against without risking the very fires of hell.”

“It gives us the ability to see what is fueling the backlash … progress.”

“Some highly visible versions of Christianity are so abhorrent that reasonably sensible people want nothing to do with it or the people who practice it.”

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