Recapturing Your Self-Identity as a Mother

Recapturing Your Self-Identity as a Mother March 30, 2018

As Christian women, we have many callings: wife, mother, housekeeper, errand runner, chef, accountant, chauffeur, nurse, laundress, etc. Whether we stay home with our kids or head off to work, the duties related to childcare, housework and errands, can be all-consuming. Some days, we feel like we spend the entire day doing—but can’t recall exactly what we accomplished.

If that’s you, you might have lost your sense of identity underneath the hands-on mothering required by children. In this week’s video blog, I talk about how we can recapture that self-identity—and why it’s important that we do so.

I cover the three seasons of parenting, as well as specific tips on how to re-evaluate your life to become the woman God has called you to be. I explore this topic further in my ebook, Using Your Talents to Work From Home or For Your Own Enjoyment.

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