New Life: The Heart of Spiritual Direction

New Life: The Heart of Spiritual Direction April 3, 2015

People sometimes wonder if Christians of the progressive, liberal, contemplative persuasion (like me) believe–really believe—in resurrection. Although I don’t usually share Christological perspectives in this blog, I’m making an exception this week.

It doesn’t matter to me how Jesus of Nazareth lived on after the crucifixion. What matters to me is that new life is possible. That is at the heart of spiritual direction, whether you do it from a strictly Christian perspective or if you take a more multi-faith approach as I do.

I’m not hung up about an empty tomb or what happened to Jesus’ body. For me and the spiritual guidance work I do, it’s all about life springing from the reality of death.

Every day I die to another thing. Joints that no longer move freely. Dreams that are not going to be fulfilled.  Friends move away, die or cut ties.

If I didn’t believe new life could emerge from all this death, I’d be depressed indeed.

But I do believe in resurrection. I see it every day.

I see it in the eyes of a seeker who comes to spiritual direction and discovers a new image of God—one that helps her believe again in unconditional love.

I see it when people are healed, rising from their beds to new life of service and joy.

I see it in the eyes of those who mourn their dead loved ones. So hopeful that they will meet again.

I see resurrection as the earth struggles to heal itself from the poisonous death we deal it.

If I would look for it more, I would see more examples of resurrection. I think that’s what Jesus meant when he talked about having “eyes to see.” My life would be filled with more meaning and peace if I would seek out resurrection more than I entertain violence, anger and death.

Yes I believe deeply in resurrection. It’s the mystery that keeps me living in hope instead of despair.


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