Happy Relationships

Happy Relationships August 15, 2013

Happy Relationships

Here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships.


Violet Aura Color Personality: Violets usually have strong, dynamic personalities. They are natural visionary leaders who often use their passion and vision to inspire others. They typically radiate a tremendous charisma and sexual chemistry. Violets need to live remarkable lives so they need partners who can soar with them – those who can encourage and motivate them to reach their highest potential. To feel fulfilled, Violets need companions who are their equals, inspirational partners who share their visions. If they marry people who are weak, fearful, resistant, or uninspiring, Violets can become bored, unfulfilled, and eventually emotionally disconnected. They must experience excitement, growth, expansion, inspiration, and passion in their relationships.

Indigo Aura Color Personality: Indigos are intelligent, sensitive, spiritual, and extremely intuitive; most of them are actually psychic. Indigos can also be also extremely honest, aware, independent, fearless, and strong willed. Most exhibit a wisdom that is beyond their physical years. Indigos are ushering in a new way of thinking, a new consciousness, so they need partners who understand this and are willing to live with higher principles, those who have also developed higher spiritual awareness. Indigos need partners who are authentic, caring, wise, honest, and supportive. They want to completely bond with their partners, to be able to trust them with their deepest secrets, and to explore magnificent spiritual ideals together. It usually doesn’t matter to Indigos whether this person is male or female, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, asexual, a different nationality, or a different color. They relate to people’s inner essence rather than their outer form – they want to bond soul to soul. Their partner needs to be able to understand, accept, and live at that same level.

Lavender Aura Color Personality: If you’re going to be in a relationship with Lavenders, this is what you may want to know. Lavenders are lovely, sensitive, whimsical creatures. They are innocent and childlike, wonderful explorers of the imagination. Daydreaming is one of their greatest pleasures. Lavenders are gentle free spirits who are not happy following rules. These fragile beings need partners who are willing to provide a beautiful, stress-free environment for them, rather than insist they become anything other than the gentle souls they are. Lavenders are happiest when they have partners who are willing to handle all the financial matters and take care of all the day-to-day responsibilities. They would rather be playfully creating than working or facing the harsh realities of the world. They need partners who can make them feel safe and nourished.

Crystal Aura Color Personality: Crystals tend to be loving, kind, and serene. They are usually quiet and introspective beings that require a tremendous amount of time alone. They love to be at home, quietly sitting in meditation or connecting with their garden. Having clear auras, Crystals are chameleons who take on the energies of those around them. They need intelligent, happy, well-adjusted, respectful, and considerate partners because Crystals tend to absorb the emotions, feelings, and struggles of their partners. Crystals can become energetically drained and depressed if they are with partners who are unhappy, angry, or in any other way dysfunctional. They need to be with people who exhibit positive behavior. When Crystals are with healthy partners, those who also understand and accept their sensitive and unusual qualities, they flourish. Crystals need to connect with mates who support them and send them energy rather than drain them. Then Crystals feel alive and happy.

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