The Aura Color Personalities & How They Can Accomplish Their Dreams

The Aura Color Personalities & How They Can Accomplish Their Dreams March 4, 2014

The Aura Color Personalities & How They Can Accomplish Their Dreams

by Pamala Oslie



The following briefly describes the personalities and the dreams of the different aura color personalities. There are also tips on what they can do to accomplish their dreams.



Yellows are some of the most fun-loving, free-spirited, energetic, and childlike personalities. They are wonderful, sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help heal the planet. Yellows can either be very shy and sensitive or the life of the party. They love to make people laugh.


Yellows’ dreams are not typically about having a lot of money or physical possessions; their dreams are about having fun, living with total freedom and flexibility, and having playful friends who truly like them. Feeling young and healthy is also important to them.


Often, Yellows’ ideas are humorous. Their light-hearted optimism can help them keep their heads clear and therefore find creative ideas. To stay healthy and create their dreams, Yellows need to commit to bringing their creative ideas into form, not procrastinate. It’s also helpful if Yellows exercise, spend time in nature, stay away from unhealthy addictions (they are very addictive personalities) and keep a sense of humor. Healthy Yellows can create unique projects or find ways to heal others.





Blues are some of the most loving, nurturing, and supportive personalities in the world. They live from their hearts and emotions. Blues are traditionally teachers, counselors, and nurses —the loving nurturers and caretakers on the planet. Blues are constantly helping others. They want to make sure everyone feels loved and accepted.


Their dreams usually involve love, relationships, and spirituality. Blues want to be in loving, committed relationships. Prayer, meditation, giving, and loving others are the most common ways Blues reach their goals. They need to learn how to receive though. Blues are good givers but not always good at receiving. They can have low self-esteem and doubt they are lovable. So Blues need to learn that they are lovable so they can receive the love they so deeply desire. And they need to learn to listen to their intuition to find their best path. When Blues are centered, they pray, ask a higher power or their inner selves for answers. They must learn to listen and trust the answers they receive, however. When Blues have questions, whether about relationships, work or other issues they only need to become quiet and centered, ask themselves the questions, and hear the solution inside. Then they need to follow through on the guidance they hear.




Violets are the inspirational visionaries, leaders, entertainers, artists or teachers who are here to help save the planet. Most Violets dream about being famous, inspiring or entertaining people, improving the quality of life on the planet, helping to save people, animals, or the environment, or educating the masses. Violets have an inner sense that they are here to do something important, that their destiny is greater than that of the average person.


If Violets can stay focused and trust their vision, it will guide them forward. Violets have the ability to visually project themselves into the future and see their dreams fulfilled. By seeing the future, they can also discover how to reach their dreams. They need to pay attention to their visions in waking state. If they don’t, their visions will reveal themselves in their dreams. Taking time to meditate will also help Violets stay in touch with their vision, otherwise they can become scattered and overwhelmed. Listening to empowering or beautiful music, and inspirational teachers can also keep Violets focused and motivated to reach their dreams. Traveling can also inspire Violets to see there is more to life than the every day, traditional lifestyle; it helps them believe in their larger dreams.





Tans are very logical and analytical. Their dreams usually involve creating financial security for themselves and their families, whether by maintaining a long-term secure job or successfully creating a technological product or design. Tans have produced such achievements as computers, software, radio, television, and various appliances. Few others have the patience or persistence to deal with the intricate, detailed components of these inventions.


Tans usually accomplish their dreams by analyzing each step before proceeding to the next. They need to establish a firm foundation and then slowly build brick by brick, step by step. Otherwise, they are afraid the entire project will collapse. Not being risk-takers, these methodical thinkers need to see all the data and all the facts before making any moves. Tans will accomplish tasks with thoroughness and efficiency, making sure every detail is handled. These thinkers need to carefully analyze a project, incorporate every detail, and conclude with a rational, practical, and detailed solution.





Greens are some of the most powerful and intelligent people on the planet. They usually dream about accomplishing powerful projects, making a lot of money, being respected, and succeeding in business or other similar projects. They usually want to be mentally stimulated and challenged, to experience as much as possible in this lifetime, to accomplish as much as they can, and to grow and learn intellectually.


To accomplish their dreams, these quick thinkers just need to stay organized and efficient. They are at their best when they write lists and check off items as they are completed. They can recognize patterns, discover solutions, and develop plans very quickly. When they are fully committed to an idea, they can accomplish anything. They need to set goals and be determined to achieve them. Greens are movers and shakers when it comes to taking action. They process information and ideas quickly, jumping from step one to ten because they do not like dealing with all the steps and details in between.  Projects that are too detailed are tedious and boring for Greens. They prefer instead to deal with ideas and concepts — developing an idea, organizing a plan, and then delegating the details to someone else.






Lavenders are gentle and free spirits who live by their feelings and intuition, rather than by their intellect. They want to be free to move in whatever direction feels right at the time, and their directions change as often as the clouds do. They dream of being free to live a simple and carefree life, to be able to explore their imagination, be creative and not have to face the responsibilities of the physical world.


Because of their creative talents Lavenders often dream of being artists or writers. They can be especially adept at writing fantasy or children’s fiction. Lavenders can reach their dreams by learning to use their creative talents and transforming their visions into works of art. But they must learn to stay focused in their bodies, face the physical world, and be responsible, which they typically resist doing. Lavenders must learn to use their creative and inventive talents to make money. Although their ideas are not always rational, they occasionally are so creative that someone else is able to find a practical way to help them make money. Lavenders often benefit by being with people who patiently support them or help them find ways to make money with their projects.






Crystals are quiet, well-meaning souls who are natural healers. They are also deep thinkers. Crystals’ dreams usually involve having a quiet, spiritual and meditative life.

They love to read books, attend the theater, study philosophical or spiritual topics — anything of social significance or that inspires them to ponder the meaning of life. They usually prefer to spend time alone contemplating life and spirituality, however, rather than be with others.


In order to achieve their dreams and reach their highest potential, Crystals must learn to regularly go within and to commune with nature, their spirituality, and their source. They must constantly retreat to their own environment to free themselves from others’ chaotic influences. This will help them remain centered and open channels for the healing work they came here to do. Because they like simplicity and cleanliness, their environments need to be quiet and orderly. It is healing for Crystals to surround themselves with nature. Growing flowers or planting gardens can be very therapeutic. It gives them a chance to connect with their spirituality in peace and serenity so they can move forward on their dreams.





Indigos are honest, aware, highly intuitive, psychic, independent, fearless, strong willed, and sensitive. Indigos are high-level spiritual souls who know who they are and where they came from. They are so unusual and spiritually advanced that some people find it difficult to know how to deal with them. Looking into their eyes, one may sense that these beings came from another world or that they know something far beyond what is known on earth. Their dreams usually involve living in a world where there is complete peace and harmony, where all life, people, animals, and nature are honored and treated with integrity, compassion and love. They need to live life from higher principles.


To live their dreams, Indigos need to go within and trust what they inherently feel are higher truths, or find others who support them by reminding them of these higher principles. They must remember that they came to the planet with all the knowledge they need to live life with joy, fulfillment, and harmony. By being a living example of these principles, Indigos will eventually show people how to create a peaceful and harmonious world.






Reds are very physical and love expressing themselves through their sensuality and their physical bodies. They live their lives in the here-and-now with zest, strength, courage, and self-confidence. Their dreams usually involve experiencing everything the physical world has to offer. They want to enjoy life as physical beings.


Reds prefer to take physical action to create their dreams. Reds have the optimistic outlook that every problem has a solution. They will stick with the problem, trying every possible method to solve it. Reds usually find an option that works. They stubbornly persist even after everyone else has concluded that the situation is hopeless. They also have the physical strength and stamina to stick with something, enduring beyond everyone else’s point of exhaustion. They can inspire others through their sheer optimism and willingness to continue.



Oranges are physical thrill-seekers and daredevils. They love the challenge and excitement of physical danger. Their dreams usually involve the adrenaline rush of reaching the top of the mountain, carrying off a dangerous stunt, winning a race, getting through the fire unscathed, and surviving. They love to challenge their environment and go beyond accepted physical limits. Oranges love to put their lives on the line to feel alive and to feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.


To accomplish their dreams, Oranges can be incredibly resourceful, with amazing abilities to mentally become their opponents, to calculate every possible maneuver, and to boldly take action. They awe others with their courage and daring. They are bold enough to go after physical challenges and live their dreams — even in the face of potential death.





Magentas are usually innovative, outrageous and creative. Often artists and inventors, they love to figure out new bizarre ways of doing things. Their dreams usually involve creating unique and outlandish projects and being able to support themselves with their unusual art. They like taking physical substance and stretching it into new forms that go beyond what people consider normal – controversial objects that are arty, trendy and even shocking.


To reach their dreams they must have the willingness and courage to set their own styles, to believe in themselves and their ideas even if people criticize or mock them. Magentas just need to learn to accept and appreciate themselves and allow others to be themselves, to stay happy and look at life with a sense of humor. These unique personalities tendency to be strong willed and determined to live life exactly the way they want to also helps them reach their dreams.




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