In The Spirit of Experiencing More Joy!

In The Spirit of Experiencing More Joy! May 5, 2017

Hummingbird-in-car-3-copy-1-e1492445666922I have a fun true story to share with you. AND maybe it applies to your life in some way too.

I was driving home the other day when a tiny hummingbird flew inside my car! I pulled over immediately and made sure all my doors, windows and sunroof were wide open. This tiny little being sat on my dashboard for over 20 minutes.

Finally, knowing I had to be at an appointment soon, I calmly put my finger in front of her. She climbed onto my finger and we got out of the car. Then she slowly flew up to the wires overhead. What an amazing and unusual experience! Life, animals and birds are so fascinating. Isn’t it interesting how connecting with animals, birds, and nature in general can have such a profound effect on us? This is a gentle reminder to spend more time re-balancing and appreciating nature. Hummingbird-5-1-600x450-600x450

I also believe hummingbirds symbolize joy. So, I see this as a sign to have more joy in life! I believe we could all use more joy, right?

Pamala Oslie is an author, consultant, radio show host, professional psychic intuitive, and aura expert. Pamala has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, The Dr. Oz Show, The View, The Ricki Lake Show, Coast to Coast with George Noory, Hallmark’s Better TV, Gaiam TV with Lisa Garr, and many other television and radio shows. She has also been featured in many national magazines.

Pam is the Founder of AuraColors a site designed to help you create love, joy and fulfillment in EVERY area of your life. She also developed LoveColors, this site is designed to help you find love and friendships by matching you with people who have compatible aura colors.

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