The Best Reaction I’ve Read So Far To The Horrific Knife Attack in Japan

The Best Reaction I’ve Read So Far To The Horrific Knife Attack in Japan July 27, 2016


Can be found in this article in Forbes.

“Where is the outrage? It’s limited, at best… Why? The messages that society sends and accepts again and again form a drumbeat of “better dead than disabled” and “disabled = less than fully human.” Hard to get outraged when you can’t see someone as fully human in the first place.”

It’s sobering how comparatively little press this attack is getting, and terrifying that it might be as author Emily Willingham says: the victims were disabled, so people don’t care as much. Be sure to give it a look.

For myself, I had to google search a bit before I found out what kind of “disabled people” were being served at the Japanese facility; most news stories just said “for the disabled” and left it at that. I eventually found that this facility served the mentally disabled. People with mental disabilities are especially vulnerable to abuse, and therefore we as Christians should be especially careful to help and defend them. Whatsoever we do to them, we do to Christ.

(image via Pixabay)

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