Throw Me Something, Mister?

Throw Me Something, Mister? February 13, 2018

Happy Mardi Gras for anyone who celebrates!

This isn’t a real blog post, just your periodic reminder that Steel Magnificat is fueled almost entirely by gratuities from readers and it’s currently my family’s only income. I am usually disabled due to my chronic illnesses, Michael is the full-time homemaker because he cares for me when I’m sick, Rosie provides us with material. You the reader keep the electricity and internet on so that I can keep writing, three to six times per week. This Lent you can look forward to my meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ, I’ll be re-sharing the Way of the Cross bit by bit on my Facebook page, I’m working on a post about going to confession, and I’ll keep writing snarky political commentary and local color stories about my strange life in the Ohio Valley as I go along. So, as always, I ask: if you like what you read, give me a tip when you can. If you can’t tip, pray for us and keep reading and sharing, and we’ll pray for you.

How do you tip? It’s easy. Go to the top of the page, and click on the tab that says “donate” right under the Steel Magnificat banner. Then click on the bright yellow button that says “donate.” Paypal will lead you through the rest. You can subscribe to tip regularly or just slip me money once. Some people give a few dollars and some people give more. We are very grateful for everyone who appreciates our work here.

Now, back to much more interesting blogging.

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