On Making a REALLY Big Deal About Jesus’s Humanity

On Making a REALLY Big Deal About Jesus’s Humanity September 12, 2016

I did an interview with Pete Enns about why it’s so extremely important that we take some time to make a really, really big deal about Jesus’s humanity. At least, that’s what the title of his blog post might lead you to believe: “Why We Should Make a Really, Really Big Deal about Jesus’s Humanity.”

It has also been my experience that Christians are always looking for the “highest” possible Christology, and I think that this has left most of us with a rather anemic understanding of Jesus’ humanity. The good stuff goes in the “Jesus is God” box, while the weakness, suffering, and death goes in the “Jesus is human” box. But that is not only faithless to the biblical story, it takes away the ground for understanding what humanity is, why God loves us, and what God has in store for us.

Read the rest here.

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