#catchingcorners Is Gorgeous

#catchingcorners Is Gorgeous November 18, 2014

His name’s Zhenya Aerohockey. He’s a Siberian photographer from Saint Petersburg. And his Instagram project named #catchingcorners is amazing.

Instagram project #catchingcorners is an extraordinary view on ordinary things. It was started as an entertainment, a way to train imagination and look around more.

That’s a little abstract, so here’s a sampling:

200+ pictures of corners doesn’t sound super-engaging, I know. And the first image (from February 2013) is more workmanlike than anything else. But it grows on you, doesn’t it? The cumulative effect seems far more powerful to me than many of the individual shots, which is probably exactly what he’s getting at with the whole “train imagination and look around more” bit.

Now, I realize that my tendency to ruthlessly compose my own photographs with a soul-crushing symmetricity makes me fertile soil for Zhenya’s work, but I found myself increasingly curious as to what the next image would reveal. Sure, it would be a corner, but Only some of them are obviously cornered objects, and it’s actually the images that hide the corner a bit (at least initially) that I tended to find most engaging. So head on down to the bottom of his Instagram feed, click on that first corner, and head West (aka, left). Or start here and go East for the highlights.

I really recommend the whole portfolio, though. It’s somehow more than its individual parts. (A hearty HT to Laughing Squid.)


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