Joseph has been doing development work for institutions of Catholic higher education since graduating from Thomas Aquinas College in 1999.
In early 2003, he decided to pursue his growing interest in film, attending night classes in screenwriting, cinematography, and film history at Los Angeles City College for two years. (It was during this time that he came to more fully appreciate just how patient, supportive, and saintly his wife is—a fact for which he fears he can never be suitably grateful.)
Fortified by just enough cinematic knowledge to be dangerous, he followed Greeley’s advice to go West; a move, oddly enough, that involved heading East to Wyoming. Accompanied by his wife and sons, he came to rest in the town of Lander, “where Stetsons meet Birkenstocks.”
There, he spends his free time exploring the beautiful Wind River Mountains, keeping track of his (currently) seven sons, being amazed by his (currently) lone daughter, and thanking his lucky stars for Netflix.