On Thanksgiving Day, I realized that it’s been exactly five years since Elizabeth Scalia invited me to write a weekly movie piece for Patheos.
Yep, that’s right. Five years. But wait. It gets crazier….
It’s been three years since she so kindly allowed me to make this blog space my own.
Three. YEARS.
It really doesn’t feel like it’s been that long, but time flies when you’re having fun.
Speaking of time, it is. Time, that is. Time to take stock; to step back; to regroup.
Time to move on.
So I’m takin’ down my shiny Patheos Catholic shingle and toddling off to my own little “Coming Soon” corner of the InterWebs: the eponymous www.josephsusanka.com.
It’s pretty sparse over there right now, but I’m hoping to take the time (and energy) of the next month or two to refocus a bit and work on a number long-gestating projects. (That book’s not gonna write itself, right? …though you might consider that a feature rather than a bug. And the podcast’s not far behind.)
It’s been a great time here; it really, truly has. I’ve made a surprisingly-high number of efriends. And I’ve found a number of things I’m sure I’ll be doing in one form or another over at my new place, since I’ve discovered that they’re just so much fun. Like my “Streaming Video Suggestions” (because there’s so much more on Netflix than people realize). Or the “Summa Short Films” project (because shorts are just the best). And the music, of course. Always the music.
The kind folks at Patheos have allowed me a bit of a grace period as I get organized, and I’ll be keeping up my endless prattling on Facebook (x2), Twitter (which I like, but do not understand), Google+ (which I understand even less and am not even sure I like), and Letterboxd (because movies, of course). And I’ll be sure to pass along any and all updates on these various platforms as time goes on.
So stay tuned, keep in touch, and God bless y’all!
Joseph “Summa” Susanka
Attribution(s):” “Briny Beach” is licensed under Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons; “Der Auszug der Israeliten aus Ägypten” by David Roberts is licensed under Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons.