Mimetic Theory Leads To Better Theology and Peace: A Conversation with Sue Wright

Mimetic Theory Leads To Better Theology and Peace: A Conversation with Sue Wright March 31, 2017

sue wright 2There will be no justice until the weakest members of our society are cared for, are able to have a life free of hunger and poverty, when we welcome the stranger, and when we clothe the widow and orphan. Until we start to care for all members of our society, none of us are safe. None of us will ever experience lasting peace.

-Susan Wright, President of Theology and Peace


In the latest episode of the RavenCast, I talked with Sue Wright about the explanatory power of mimetic theory. Sue explains why mimetic theory is our best tool for understanding human nature, theology, and the rivalry that often infects our relationships.

(Listen to the MP3 or watch the video of my discussion with Sue below!)

Sue is the president of Theology and Peace, an organization dedicated to transforming our understanding of God, peace, and justice through the insights of mimetic theory. This year’s Theology and Peace conference will be in Chicago, May 22-25. The conference is for pastors, theologians, and lay people interested in creating a more just and peaceful world. You can register the conference by clicking here.

This year’s conference is titled, “Embracing We-Centricity: Practices that Nurture the Common Good.” During our polarized culture, the conference will “explore spiritual practices that heal division and distrust.”

Speakers include:



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