Comes the Rodham. I guess.

Comes the Rodham. I guess. April 13, 2005

Well, I just watched the Trey’s excerpt tape of Hillary’s speech in Minnesota and I still don’t get it. I have never understood her appeal, and I never will.

I understood BILL’s appeal. But hers, I just don’t get.

Radioblogger does an ambitious fisking of the speech and decides that in the end, just as George H. W. Bush was defeated in 1992 because (among other things) he reminded every woman of her first husband (I forget who said that – probably Ann Richards), Hillary will have trouble winning the WH because she reminds every man of his last girlfriend.

We have a long way to go before election season gears up, but Hillary is already in the game. I am not going to spend a whole lot of time talking about her this soon. But I still don’t get it. I just don’t get the appeal.

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