Cowboy Bebop Soundtrack

Cowboy Bebop Soundtrack November 7, 2005

Okay, 3-2-1, Let’s Jam!

Egad, but Yoko Kanno is an absolute genius. I can’t think of a better composer, male or female, writing jazz charts and blues bits and pop…my kids first got me interested in this really superb and moody anime cartoon because they played the television so loud and the music was so completely great, that I peek in, next thing I know, I’m hooked. A great series…made even greater by the spectacular soundtrack.

Buster bought the soundtrack with the last of his paychecks. Astonishing 4 CD set – it takes off with “Tank” and never stops. “Rush.” “Real Folk Blues.” “Green Bird.” All great.

Even when it’s low and bluesy, it still grabs you. Parts of this recording are from a live concert in 2001, and the performances are thrilling.

And the Japanese dialogue is kinda fun, too.

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