Blogger Deck o’ Cards!

Blogger Deck o’ Cards! November 5, 2005

I know I said I wasn’t blogging this weekend, and I am not – but I was sent an email about Jimmie’s nomination request and just had to do it.

I’m talking about Aaron’s terrific plan to issue a “Blogger Deck O’ Cards” – hopefully in time for Christmas???

Inspired by Hugh Hewitt’s lamenting the absense of Hallmark Cards for bloggers and anticipating the receipt of cease and desist letters due to violating trademarks for well-known games, I’m announcing the creation of a new interim blogmeme…

Baldilocks and Beth and Risawn duking it out to be Queen of Clubs? This is too good! I want!

Political Teen will have to be a Jack, of course!

I hereby nominate Jimmie, and I’m sure everyone else he is needling his nominating him, too!

I nominate myself, too…because every deck of cards needs a bathing beauty! I can be the 2 1/2 of Hearts! :-)

This is a great idea. The blogosphere needs a little fun community-building! Hats off to Aaron!

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