Taking the weekend off

Taking the weekend off November 5, 2005

Most of it, anyway. Need to attend to family and household things and also need to simply get away from news altogether and rest a bit. Unless, of course, something huge breaks. But I hope nothing does.

Meantime, over the weekend, here are some blogs to keep checking back to for specific stories:

Stick with Miss Mabrouk of Egypt for all the latest on the story re the arrest/abduction of Egyptian blogger Abdolkarim Nabil Seliman. She’ll have all the latest, I think.

Gateway Pundit seems in many ways to own the ongoing flaming of Paris – I always head there first for that story.

AJ Strata is literally giving chase to Joe Wilson, along with Tom and Mac. I have a hunch the Powerline guys are going to be breaking something soon, too.

Jason at Generation Why is keeping track of Hugo Chavez and all that madness down there. He also reminds us of that which the press would rather forget.

Dr. Sanity and for sane and logical spelling outs of what is going on around us, and Maxed Out Mama, Beth and Betsy for smart and spirited takes on things in general.

Varifrank is writing re Paris

And of course, you should never, never leave the blogosphere without checking out Michelle who is a one-woman force.

You know what? Just check out my whole blogroll! It’s all good! ;-)

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