If 200,000 people…

If 200,000 people… November 22, 2005

If 200,000 people had gathered to call out President Bush, it would have been news all over the world – the pictures would have been everywhere – the story would have lived for days. Hell, this summer 2 to 3,000 gathered in Washington for a Bush hate-fest and it got all day coverage on C-span.

But if 200,000 Arabs take to the streets to call out a chief terrorist it gets no coverage, it is not a story, and there are no pictures.

Think about that for a second. 200,000 Arabs protesting against a terrorist. It is unprecedented. You can always find a crowd protesting a president or a prime minister, but the Arab street rises up against a terrorist and terrorism…and the coverage is non-existant. So is coverage of people calling to President Bush to help them find their freedom. There is no coverage of the rising role of women in Middle East politics too – which is kinda funny when you consider that the US Press will soon be talking non-stop about Hillary Clinton’s run for the WH and how “urgent” it is to see more women in office.

Ah, well. I’m still not up to a battle. Mark Steyn has a good take on all of it.

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