Huckabee and End-Times Advocates

Huckabee and End-Times Advocates May 13, 2008

Honestly, I see this sort of crap in my email all the time – I get an “is it the end-of-the-world” missive every day or two – but I just blew it off as fringe element stuff. Now, Novak is bringing it to mainstream attention:

An element of the Christian community is not reconciled to McCain’s candidacy but instead regards the prospective presidency of Barack Obama in the nature of a Biblical plague visited upon a sinful people. These militants look at former Baptist preacher Huckabee as “God’s candidate” running for president in 2012.
One experienced, credible activist in Christian politics who would not let his name be used told me Huckabee in personal conversation with him embraced the concept that an Obama presidency might be what the American people deserve. That fits what has largely been a fringe position among evangelicals that the pain of an Obama presidency is in keeping with the Bible’s prophecy.

Mike Huckabee is “God’s candidate?” Holy moley!

You know, any Christian who presumes to know that the American people “deserve” a bad president, who presumes to know the will of God, or who presumes to know who “God’s Candidate” is, is about two steps away from the Westboro Baptist Hate Cultists who give all Christians a bad name.

You can be concerned about a path America is taking, but you cannot decide America “deserves” bad things. You can shudder at a million babies being aborted a year, but you also must take heart that there is an energetic faith-based opposition to abortion and euthanasia that is making real inroads into the heart of society. You don’t like the way the country is going, you work to change it and you pray…you do not sit there deciding, “well, I’m upset with the way America’s going, so I think God wants me to sit this election out because the country deserves a few years of pain.”

It almost sounds like, “I don’t have the candidate I want, so I will spitefully sit it out, and use belief in a just and vengeful God as my excuse and my justification. And boy, after that, America will learn to take my concerns and my votes more seriously! Go get ’em God!”

Ace writes:

That’s a Novak column, so it can’t be dismissed as a left-winger making up kooky stories about the hated Christian right.

Unfortunately you don’t have to make this stuff up. You can find some stragglers and fringe-ists declaring that “America needs to be taught a lesson,” on many right-wing political forums. They’re not the majority, but they’re definitely out there. Their emails usually contain a scripture verse and a rant about John McPain, Jorge Arbusto, Illegal Immigration, Obama-the-Muslim, Hillary-the-beast, the gold standard and how everything will be better after we let America go to hell from 2009-2012.

I think they’re optimistic, myself. Put Obama or Hillary in the White House with a Democrat House and Democrat Senate and perhaps as many as three SCOTUS judges ready to kick the bucket or retire…you got yourselves the making of a whole new world of pain, and God’s got nothing to do with it.

Speaking of Presidents – doesn’t it seem like talking directly to the American people instead of letting the press and the opposition define him, is something he should have been doing for – oh…the last 5 years?

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