Habits and Vows, again – UPDATED

Habits and Vows, again – UPDATED August 18, 2008

Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

It’s that time of year, again – the time when postulants receive their habits, and some novices make their first vows, and so forth. If you’re unclear as to what is the difference between an “aspirant”, “postulant” or “novice” see here.

I’ll probably be writing a “Part II” to this one, as some of the busiest and move dramatically growing communities will likely be putting up their “vows and habits” news in September, after all of the various celebrations are concluded.

A long and somewhat amusing article about young Dominican sisters teaching in Florida, with an accompanying video here.

The Dominican Order seems to be at the forefront of the remarkable renewal of interest in (and visibility of) religious life, both active and contemplative. A good article on that development, here.

Underscoring that point, 11 new novice friars were recently clothed in the St. Joseph Province. Contemplatively, we see these nuns growing with young vocations and the Lockport Dominicans received a new postulant just this week – no pics yet. I hear the Nashville Dominicans will be receiving 18 new postulants in the next few weeks, and I don’t even know how many novices just made first vows both there, and with the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, but it’s a lot.

The Benedictine Abbey of St. Walburga, in Colorado, has clothed two new novices

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration: two new novices, Sr. Mariana and Sr. Rosaria and two first vows.

Sisters of the Incarnate Word: Sr. Mary Helga blogs about her first profession!

Sisters of St. Francis in Peoria welcome a new novice

Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal: Two sisters make solemn vows.

The Carmelite Monks of Wyoming, who should really be calling themselves The Carmelite Monks of Our Lady of the Incredible Coffee, just received 4 more postulants and last week clothed at least one novice that I know of. They are literally growing faster than they can build rooms for these young men.

Sisters of Life: Eleven New Novices (scroll down for pics) Love their habits, which are very similar to the habits of the Nashville Dominicans; several new orders are spinning off of that great habit.

Let us pray that more young men and women will open themselves up to the whisperings of the spirit and consider lives of service, whatever their belief system. In a world of convenience and temporary things and disposal lives, we need their witness to a life of faith and discipline.

There is news on many more habits and vows here.

UPDATE: This just in: the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word – a new community with the wonderful charism of offering retreat and respite – has clothed two new novices and accepted the first vows of another sister. Lovely to see growth!

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