Whataweekend linkfest

Whataweekend linkfest September 27, 2009

So, wait. Obama has known for months that Iran had made serious progress with nukes. Hmmm.

Doesn’t that mean someone has to answer for giving Bush the “Iran has no nukes, is no where near developing them” intel that the Dems and left used as yet another hammer to use against the last American president? I’m just asking. And here are a bunch of interesting links, offered without comment, for your Sunday reading between games:

A Must Read: Giving Birth and “Yes”
Inside Catholic: Women’s Authority in Church
Jules Crittenden: The Deliberately Impolitic Pope who offers to Prague, Erasmus and some Jiu Jitsu
Interesting: Catholic Priest Donates Kidney to Hindu
Faith and Reason is Great, but In the end it’s not really about reason
Remain United Through the Eucharist

Obama’s UN Theater: Sound and fury signifying nothing
A Helpful Glossary: for to understand Obama
Fear No Art: Unless it is taxpayer financed propaganda. Fear that a lot.
Screwing Eastern Europe: we does it
Michael Gerson: Horrified by Obama’s UN Speech
Is Obama: a literary fraud? No one in media will ask.
Interesting Headline: and subsequent pulldown
Too much power with no accountability: does not raise healthy adults
Egregious Harry Reid: Blocks ACORN investigation. Congress still too busy trying to complete all of their investigations of the last president to look at current situations.
Parker: ACORN and the seed
American President: who is Uninterested in Victory
Yes, a failure to buy life insurance: will get you in trouble but remember, if you like your doctor…
Ed Morrissey asks you to vote
Victor Davis Hanson: How does one man hit so many homers
Deathwatch: Ace looks at Britain
Lopez: Rules for Counter-radicals
Campaign Obama I: Jerusalem Must Remain Undivided
Campaign Obama II: Bush…must finish the fight in Afghanistan
I don’t feel like: being the decider
Nimrod’s Tower: Just words?

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