When Jesus Comes to the Sickroom

When Jesus Comes to the Sickroom August 8, 2010

Does anyone remember having a priest come to the house to make a sick call, either just to visit, or to hear confession and anoint? Or to bring Holy Communion to the sick?

I do. We had one of those “sick call” crucifixes as you see above; they open up to reveal two small candles, and a little phial of Holy Water. We have one hanging on the wall of our family room, actually, an old one someone sold me for cheap on ebay! When my brother S was very ill, we had a home visit, and also when my BIL was sick, too.

Msgr. Charles Pope writes about the experience then and now:

At a recent meeting, a number of these Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist expressed a concern about reverence. When they make a sick call, the television is often blaring and the person to whom they bring communion is frequently unprepared by others in the home to receive Holy Communion. The extraordinary minister must ask that the television be turned down and that others might prayerfully participate. I too, upon visiting many of the sick encounter similar issues: loud TVs, other family members who do not understand the sacredness of the moment and a generally difficult setting in which to pray or reflect.

I do not blame either the sick or the family members for this situation. I blame myself and fellow clergy, many of whom, though not all, have failed to teach or to explain to parishioners and family members — some of whom are not Catholic — as to proper protocol in this matter.

He has some interesting thoughts and suggestions on the practice, and how to restore not just reverence, but small and meaningful rituals, in such times.

Also – one you may not have seen before, about Genesis, Evolution and the Sistine Chapel

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