January 27, 2005

From Sgt. Thomas Foreman Jr. writing from the center of the storm:Every Iraqi I talk to has hope. I’ve written several times on the power of hope, and right here is a living, breathing 24-million-strong testament to it. As long as some hope endures for the Iraqi people, my time here will not have been wasted. It will not be perfect. This very well could be the most dangerous period we face while we are over here. There will be... Read more

January 27, 2005

Kathryn Jean Lopez makes a good point over at NRO’s THE CORNER: STOP BEING MEAN TO BARBARA BOXER! [ K. J. Lopez ]Margaret Carlson says Boxer’s taking heat because she’s a she. Women have it tough, she says, whether on the Senate floor or TV: “Women don’t have a lot of leeway in how they comport themselves. Could any woman behave on TV like Bob Novak or Bill O’Reilly and get her own show?” Clearly, she doesn’t watch enough Fox... Read more

January 27, 2005

I’ve written several times about my impatience with so-called “strong, feminist women” who can’t manage to look at a painting of a nude without feeling raped, or who remember that Clarence Thomas once dared to make an (admittedly lame) adult “joke” to Anita Hill and come all over faint, or who hear a challenge to their feminist orthodoxy and find themeselves (like Hillary Clinton in the most famous passage in her book) “gasping for air…” and needing to “leave the... Read more

January 27, 2005

Egad, but it’s tiring sometimes, to watch the press play, “how many ways can we hate and villify Bush?” Now, it seems, President Bush is an Irishman, after all, but he’s descended from the very worst Irishmen ever to live. Of COURSE. So says this incredibly stupid article, one of the stupidest I have ever read.It is perhaps not the best omen for US foreign affairs. Local historians in Wexford have discovered that George Bush is a descendant of Strongbow,... Read more

January 25, 2005

Michael Ledeen Rides Sy Hersch’s Infinate Loop Over at NRO, Michael Ledeen has, with the help of an eagle-eyed reader (do we love the internet? Yes, we do!) brought into clear focus the infinite loopiness of Seymour Hersch’s latest “factual expose.” Ledeen wonders if Hersch is using a template. I think Ledeen is off track, there. I am convinced that Hersch has gotten sloppy in his old age and has become entirely too dependant upon the aid of Clippy, the... Read more

January 24, 2005

That would be Hillary Clinton who is transparently, and deeply, campaigning to be the Democratic nominee for President in 2008. Let’s see, today we read that the NY Times will be doing a reliably gushing piece on Hillary where this devotee of all abortion rights, including partial birth abortion, is proposing new “language” about abortion rights. Don’t be suckered by it. As a former liberal Democrat, I can tell you that “new language” simply means new packaging, new euphemisms and... Read more

January 22, 2005

This UK author dares to suggest that there is something immoral about systematically destroying babies who might show any sign of imperfection. We’re not talking aborting infants with Downs Syndrome, or fatal deformities (I have issues with those abortions, too, but this is not the time or place) we’re talking about babies with cleft palates for criminy’s sake! To abort an unborn child beyond 24 weeks’ gestation is recognised in British law as infanticide – but only if the child... Read more

January 22, 2005

…Take your dress down from over your face! Some may have noticed that I am a little tough on Maureen Dowd, but truly, like Hamlet, I am cruel only to be kind…she is so joyless, and I want her to get happy; I do have compassion for the gal and I really would like to see her reclaim her deteriorating writing skills. But this Clift woman…egad! She aspires to Dowd-ish venom but hasn’t quite the nerve for it; rather, she... Read more

January 21, 2005

It’s been a painful thing for me to have to dislike France. I like Country French furniture and L’oreal haircolor, and I am a fan of brie cheese and French Christmas Carols. But ever since Feckless Chirac has so disgusted me, it’s been difficult-to-impossible to really enjoy using my dining room set, munch on the cheese or really sing out all those Gloria in excelsis deo’s. Now, CUANAS has given me leave to wash away the grey and belt out... Read more

January 20, 2005

I’m not going to write about her, because she’s just too screwed up and pathetic and sad and I feel sorry for her. But Drew over at Darn Floor has both the energy and the intestinal fortitude to give the woman a thumping good fisking. He throws in some round mocking for good measure. I frankly think nothing else needs to be said about Mo Dowd, because Stephen Crane said it a century ago – as though he’d glimpsed her... Read more

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