May 30, 2012

Kathe Shaaf is a founding member of Women of Spirit and Faith a circle of women supporting the emerging feminine and women’s spiritual leadership. She co-edited the book “Women, Spirituality and Transformative Leadership” which is an Amazon best seller in its category.   I have participated in many women’s circles in the past decade. Some have been productive and some have been deeply still. Some have been challenging, with difficult conversations and strong feelings; others have been gentle and loving... Read more

May 29, 2012

Laura Paskell-Brown is a PhD student and teacher in New York city. She runs a circle for her young female students, to help them get in touch with their own intuition, their bodies and the leaders inside of them all. She is also on the Young Leaders Council of Women of Spirit and Faith. This morning the voice in my head screamed: “Pick up the phone stupid. You should because she’s your friend and she needs you. You’re a bad... Read more

May 28, 2012

Courtney Martin is a writer, speaker, and activist living in Brooklyn, New York. She is the author of Do It Anyway: The New Generation of Activists, as well as four other books. You can read more about her on her website and/or follow her at @courtwrites. One thing I know for sure after the Women of Spirit and Faith retreat is… …in order for women to fully inhabit our rightful place as spiritual and religious leaders, we have to do a... Read more

April 2, 2012

Adrie de Jong comes from The Netherlands. She believes that as women come to know themselves, they will be find the wisdom they need to provide hope, knowledge and solutions. I think much more will be possible for the quality and worth of life when woman lead. I think we will first seek wise woman to lead. Those with a broader view and an higher notion of what really goes on within the heart of the human being and it’s urge... Read more

March 27, 2012

Laura Paskell-Brown is a teacher and PhD student in New York City. She believes that her purpose in the classroom is to remind her students of the power they already have inside of them, and the ways in which they can use that power for good in the world. When I look into your eyes I see you I don’t mean I see your GPA Or the work that you do. I mean I see YOU I see how you’re... Read more

March 27, 2012

Yvette Warren is a grandmother, the author of the blog One Family, Many Faiths and a newly ordained minister in the Universal Life Church. “What happens when women lead?” A more important question, in my mind, is, “What happens when any segment of society is shut out of leadership?” I believe the answer is always subversion and rebellion, which often lead to anarchy, which results in accompanying rule by force and fear, attributes that we ascribe to the “masculine.”. A good friend... Read more

March 22, 2012

Leading Humanity to A Higher Evolution by Anne Scott of  Dream Weather Click here to read Anne’s blog Read more

March 9, 2012

It’s not only women who channel the voice of the divine feminine. We highly recommended this beautiful article by Sufi teacher and author, Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee. Click here to read The Sacred Feminine Today Read more

March 8, 2012

This month marks both Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. In honor and celebration of this, our question for March will be: “What happens when women lead?” There are many ways to approach such a question: what happens to us, to our relationships, to those who watch us, to the world, to the course of history? We would love to hear your thoughts, dreams, experiences and queries regarding this challenging and exciting topic. Send your poems, pictures, videos or blog posts... Read more

February 27, 2012

Laura Paskell-Brown is a very flawed human being who lives and works in New York. She is one of the ‘Young Leaders’ at Women of Spirit and Faith. Two years ago when my life felt like it was going to hell in a handbag, when every day seemed to bring some new problem and every thought some terrible pain, I needed more than a new code of ethics or a mere philosophy to save me. No, when this kid hit bottom... Read more

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