Get Wonderstruck This Christmas

Get Wonderstruck This Christmas December 17, 2012

My dear friend Margaret Feinberg has a new book out (i.e. the perfect Christmas gift for the word lovers on your list) called Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God.

Today Margaret writes about being left “wonderstruck” by a simple act of kindness by one New York City police officer to a homeless man.

Shoes as grace.

She says in part:

Less than a month ago, a New York Times police officer Lawrence DiPrimo left us wonderstruck by an act of kindness when Jennifer Foster, a tourist from Florence, Arizona, snapped a photo of a member of NYPD kneeling down to give a homeless man a pair of boots on a frigid night.

The officer didn’t just hand the man a $100 pair of Skechers but took the time to slip socks and new boots on the man’s blistered feet—a scene reminiscent of John 13:1-17.

The photo was posted on Facebook and soon went viral with more than 20,000 comments. The story was the perfect reminder during the holiday season of the power of kindness, generosity, and love.

Read Margaret’s post in its entirety HERE.

To order Wonderstruck, click HERE.

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