February 17, 2015

I’ve been to places in Africa where having a little extra money meant a mother had enough to buy meat and bread for her children. She didn’t have (or need) extra money to buy video games and toys, but an upgrade in the nutritional value of their food made a significant impact on her family’s health and well-being. Most of us in the United States don’t spend our extra money on those kinds of “luxuries.” A few years later, while... Read more

February 16, 2015

What does it mean when God gives a dream, and the dream comes true, and then it dies? And what if the dream envelopes a whole lot of people before it dies for them too? And why would a man who achieved early and spectacular business success stop using the word “dream”? Read more

February 14, 2015

by Michele Corbett In the world of giving career advice, we tell people to follow their dreams – to create a vision, set goals around it, and just do it. We ask people about their passion, their interests, their deep down desires. Two of my favorite questions to ask are, “What keeps you up late talking?” and “Where do you head first in a bookstore?” Then there is the always popular, “If you could do anything regardless of money, what... Read more

February 13, 2015

by Charles Johnson “Remember, students: P.M.A.! P.M.A.!” That was the mantra my 7th grade science teacher would recite ad infinitum throughout class each day. He was of the conviction that a “positive mental attitude” could help one be successful in any situation. His name was Mr. Smart (yes, really); who was I to argue? It is axiomatic that positive energy and spirit advances our enterprises and enhances our prospects for success. A cheerful disposition, when balanced with honesty, is a constructive contribution... Read more

February 12, 2015

by J.B. Wood So I was standing in line at Starbucks, doing my usual coffee routine, and I saw one of the baristas, Carla, in the background taking orders for the drive-through. She’s talking on one of those hands-free headphone things, so I can only hear her side of the conversation: “Is that you, Barbara? How’s it going?” ………………… “Awesome!” …………………. “OK… Is that decaf? The usual?” ……………….. “Yeah, I know. That must have been great.” ………………….. “All right hon, that’s... Read more

February 10, 2015

I stopped counting how many times I’ve had the email etiquette conversation, both in regards to emails I’ve sent, and ones I’ve received. It’s something we’ve all experienced. So much so that we regularly chalk it up to the idea that, “something just gets lost in email conversation.” And it’s not only on email! We regularly miscommunicate and/or misinterpret conversations on social media platforms as well. My wife informed me she was recently asked by someone who got an email from me... Read more

February 9, 2015

by Ann Voskamp On a Monday during piano lessons, I just sit with the dead at the cemetery. Is there such a thing as a sustainable economy of the soul in this industrial world addicted to speed? Only a wind from the west moves through the granite stones. Leaves fall soundlessly, right to the ground and burned right out. In front of the ivories, the children will play loud for Mrs. Livermore, up and down the scale and then the hand... Read more

February 7, 2015

by Cheryl Smith A few years ago, I had three surgeries within an 18-month time frame, followed by a fourth surgery a year later. During each of my pre-surgery appointments, I talked with nurses about what I could and couldn’t do following surgery. Rest was always on the list of do’s. In fact, I distinctly remember the nurses encouraging me to nap. “Don’t be surprised if you continue to be tired six months or even up to a year after... Read more

February 6, 2015

by Dave Williamson The everyday life of faith ultimately is pretty simple and straightforward stuff—simple, not necessarily easy. While there are many complex nuances of thoughtful reflection and application of Christian faith to each person’s everyday life, at the beginning and in the end, it is quite clear, direct. Jesus summarized all of the Old Testament by affirming the two great commandments: Love God, with your whole being—all you’ve got,”with all your passion and prayer and muscle and intelligence” (Luke... Read more

February 5, 2015

Ed Gilbreath says that Letter from Birmingham Jail is representative of the heart of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s oall message. His message was one of reconciliation. King believed that we’re all connected. As a result, he struggled with the idea that anything could separate us. Black, white, red, brown… we all have the same Spirit. King’s famous letter is a masterpiece in framing the change which needed to happen in society. At The High Calling, we had the opportunity to talk... Read more

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