February 4, 2015

by Mike Chalk Whenever people live or work together, they need to practice forgiveness because we humans are imperfect. No group can function long before someone breaks a promise and lets others down. Forgiveness seems like a wonderful virtue, but it is very difficult to practice. In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis said, “Forgiveness is a lovely idea until you have someone to forgive.” To move from theory to practice is often a great distance to travel. In the midst of our... Read more

February 3, 2015

“The extra income is a Godsend,” she said. I’d just landed a fairly large new account, one I’d need help managing, so I’d asked one of my regular freelancers if she could take on more work. With two children and three new foster kids arriving at her home soon, the extra money definitely helps. At the same time, another request came in to do pro-bono work for a friend. Of course I wanted to help out. I could likely get some referral... Read more

February 2, 2015

by Christine A. Scheller “Stories allow us to travel, time and again, outside the circumscribed spaces of what we believe and what we think possible. It is these journeys – sometimes tenuous, sometimes exhilarating – that inspire and steel us to navigate uncharted territories in real life.” –Elizabeth Svoboda,  Aeon magazine. At The High Calling, we believe in the power of stories. They put flesh on ideas and help us envision ourselves living out our stated values. Telling Jesus-centered leadership... Read more

February 1, 2015

Luke 11:1-4 [A]nd forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation. Luke 11:4 Jesus teaches us to connect our request for divine forgiveness with a strong statement of our own forgiving of those who have wronged us: “And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us” (11:4). This imperative could be translated more literally, “And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is... Read more

January 31, 2015

Ten years after its first release, Parker Palmer is republishing his book of encouragement for teachers called The Courage to Teach. The book helped countless teachers and other professionals to recover meaning in their work lives, in the midst of troubled, sometimes toxic systems. Recently, The High Calling spoke to Mr. Palmer about helping teachers and other professionals reconnect with their vocations and reclaim their passion for work. What advice do you have for public school educators who are trying... Read more

January 30, 2015

by Stacy Jackson Have you heard the story of the three bricklayers? Preachers often use it to illustrate the different ways we view work. The first bricklayer works hard making money to serve his family. His work primarily provides money to enable him to serve others. The second bricklayer is thankful for the opportunity to use his God-given skills to serve others. That is, he sees his use of talents as an offering to God. Finally, the third bricklayer recognizes that... Read more

January 29, 2015

by David Rupert Each summer, as a teenager headed for college, I was determined to make as much money as possible. My dad, a roofer, needed the help. There were perks:  free transportation in Dad’s ’52 Chevy, a lunch packed by mom, and a paycheck that didn’t bounce. Reality is, I wasn’t a good roofer. My lines were often crooked and, if left uncorrected, would ruin the run of shingles going all the way up the house. My patient dad would... Read more

January 28, 2015

by Christine A. Scheller Narcissists are big idea people, but sometimes their ideas lead to serious consequences. Amidst a growing body of research about the impact of narcissists on the organizations they lead, participants in one study played the role of timber company owners who compete to harvest trees in the same national forests. If the “owners” prioritized short term gains, deforestation would result. Unsurprisingly, the researchers found that narcissists were willing to jeapordize the environment to reach their goals more readily than other participants. Big Ideas; Thin Skins Narcissists... Read more

January 27, 2015

Back in 2007, I had the pleasure of watching a feat in college sports that may be difficult to ever do again. I’m a big fan of the University of Florida Gators, but regardless of who you like, or even if you’re a sports fan at all, you can appreciate the accomplishments of the Florida sports programs. No other team in college sports history has held both the football and basketball national titles at the same time, especially while repeating as national... Read more

January 26, 2015

by Deidra Riggs We are telling our stories. We sit in a circle, two ceiling fans overhead, one humming silently in spirals, and the other standing still. We can’t figure out how to make the paddles of the one ceiling fan stir up air in this small, blue room with its overstuffed couches and wing chairs. So, I kick off my shoes and fold my legs beneath me, and cool myself with the fan my husband bought for me in... Read more

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