
Welcome to The High Calling on Patheos, a selection of many resources from TheHighCalling.org founded on the belief that God cares about our daily work. On our site, you’ll discover a broad range of articles, interviews, devotionals, and inspirational stories—all specifically created to help you find God in your work, family, and the broader culture.

Honoring God in our daily work is much more than mere evangelism. Our work itself should be a testimony to our creator. That is why we encourage each other to remember the high calling of our daily work.

The High Calling on Patheos and our full site TheHighCalling.org are safe places to ask difficult questions about work, leadership, culture, family, and faith. Our community of Christ followers shares differing opinions about matters of faith and doubt.  We believe in the power of open dialog, and aim to be a safe place to raise difficult issues. We simply ask that each person be respectful of others, rooted and grounded in love.

We invite you to… 

Discover new Christian Resources.

Every day at TheHighCalling.org we publish new articles and Bible reflections to help you discover meaning and significance in your daily work. Browse our topic categories or run a search to find the content you need. Register to receive email notifications of new resources. Or download our mobile apps for iOS and Android.

  • Daily Reflections—a short Bible study every day by scholar and theologian Mark D. Roberts and carefully selected guest authors.
  • Weekly Calling—email summary of best content from the previous week.
  • Quarterly Sermon Notes—each quarter, a new set of three outlines that can be adapted for sermons or bible classes.
  • Our Mobile App—receive our content on your iPhone or Android.

Engage in conversation.

Feel free to leave comments on featured posts you find meaningful, relevant or timely. You can comment anonymously, or sign up here.

Become a member of the community.

If you’re a blogger, connect with us on Twitter and Facebook. You may also want to add a badge to your site and add your feed to our site.

Get to know us better. 

Read and comment regularly. Browse featured posts in the High Calling network or contribute to our community writing themes every other week.

Further the conversation. 

As you find meaningful posts, share the links with your friends via email, Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets. If you’re a writer, include links to The High Calling articles and community posts on your own site, as you have opportunity. When you find good writing in our network, let us know by posting a link to good articles on our Facebook page. (Bloggers, please don’t post links to your own articles).

Our Mission 

TheHighCalling.org and The High Calling on Patheos are programs of the Foundations for Laity Renewal. We share stories and devotions that inspire people to see connections between work, life, and God. Our motto is “Every day conversations about work, life, and God.” We accomplish our mission when we:

  • Provide free faith-and-work content for personal and small group study, for sermon outlines, and for daily reflection
  • Utilize trained editors who read, comment on, promote, and link to material when it represents our mission.
  • Promote this collection of encouraging and helpful resources.
  • Demonstrate outrageous hospitality through online presence.
  • Offer access to a diverse, worldwide community seeking purpose for life and work