Feed People!

Feed People! March 22, 2017

Feed People
Feed People

We can come-up with countless reasons why we should, or shouldn’t, feed those in need. We can share the statistics of how many people live in poverty, and how heart breaking it is to see those numbers growing. We can discuss how, in America, we waste food on a regular basis. We can talk about feeding people based on our faith, our humanity, the benefits to the community, the benefits to the person, or countless other reasons. We can debate which program works best, we can argue over who cares more. But, while we’re having all the talks, all the debates, developing all the programs; while we’re deciding, who is, and who is not, worthy of being fed based on income [or other reason], people are going hungry. We should stop talking, and start doing. Here is a simple idea to address hunger:

If, each day you looked at the food you have on hand, and looked to your neighbor to see if they have enough – if, you combined what you had with theirs, and eat a collective meal together, we would be feeding the hungry.

I’m certain some will search for all the holes in this idea, or say, ‘That is a simplistic idea to a complex problem.’ You see, I don’t think the problem is complex at all; people are hungry, we should feed them. I figure if you’re sending time thinking about how this idea will not work, or how complex the problem is, you have no desire to help feed the hungry anyway, so what does it matter? You see, for me it’s pretty simple, open your home, love your neighbors, care for your community, share what you have with others, captivate, and embrace, all with love. It becomes complex when we design programs, budget for Admin Staff, and pay for large kitchens – but, when we simply step-up, step-out, and step-in, the problem is not complex.

This may sound simplistic, but the reason I think we should feed the hungry, is because they’re hungry.

[Side Note: I don’t agree with those theologians who teach that when the Collective Narrative speaks of feeding, it’s speaking about spiritually feeding – ALL the Greek words for feed deal with food.]

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