Give It Up

Give It Up July 15, 2015

Are you a quitter? Do you give up easily? Actually, that might not be a bad thing! Think about these statements:

  • “I give up!”
  • “Oh for heaven’s sake:  give – it – up!”
  • “And now, give it up for …”
  • “I gave it up and I feel so much better.”

Do you see how many different ways we can use this simple term? We live in a society that promotes never giving up, no matter what the costs. Think of how many wars might have been avoided or ended sooner in the last 20 years if governments weren’t hell-bent on being “right” and not giving up something that should never have been started in the first place.

At the same time, we don’t want to give up on pursuing our dreams, our goals and our vision … unless they are built on fantasy instead of possibility. If we aren’t careful we can easily be lulled into thinking we can have anything without having a belief system that what we are striving after is even possible.

What this all boils down to is taking the time to take stock of where we are in our lives. What things are we currently pursuing that our spirit is saying we must continue to strive toward? And, conversely, what might we be doing now that amounts to bashing our head against the wall?

If you’re willing to do it, making three lists:

  1. A list of all the goals you have accomplished (blessings)
  2. A list of all the goals you truly desire (vision)
  3. A list of all the goals you are holding onto that no longer serve you (release)

Sit with each thought that comes up. You’ll know immediately on which list it should be written. How? Because you’ll sense the answers within yourself. Do you tense up? Do you feel a sense of dread or despair? Are you overcoming with joy or peace of mind? Can you feel the excitement welling up inside you?

Giving up is not necessarily quitting. Giving up something that no longer serves us is empowering. It also makes room for what you really want to flourish!

In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,


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