Hurry Up and Wait

Hurry Up and Wait September 23, 2015

What do you do when you can’t do anything about an uncomfortable situation? At the moment I am sitting in an airport terminal without electricity and that includes air conditioning. In addition, the airline’s computer systems have gone down in three major cities, thereby causing a stoppage of all flights in the majority of their system.

Passengers are looking at two-to-four hour delays and missed connections, resulting in cancelled plans. Everyone wants answers, but no one has any to give. What do you do?

Some people are screaming at the agents who, of course, have no access to any information since there is no electricity to power the computers. Others are lamenting the situation, since “this happens every time I fly.” A few are sitting quietly, reading materials they’ve thought ahead to bring with them, catching up on email or taking the opportunity for a nap.

Each and every day we are faced with delays and situations not to our liking. The line at the grocery store takes longer than we want. We are stuck on hold when speaking to a customer service rep. Or, the answers we await from loved ones are not forthcoming.

How we choose to act in situations now affects how our experience later. As I sit in this airport terminal I can almost see the blood pressure and anxiety level rising in people around me. But, I can also see people who are calm, at peace and finding something to enjoy in the moment.

Some people believe that denying the unpleasantries of life will somehow make them go away. Ernest Holmes didn’t believe that. He said,

It’s silly, to me, for people to say that sickness isn’t sickness – of course it is;
or poverty isn’t poverty – of course it is. But that doesn’t mean it
to be.

We have freedom of choice, but not of consequence. The freedom to become upset and angry will inevitably lead to making our circumstances more unpleasant for us and everyone around us. Conversely, going with the flow and making the best of an uncomfortable situation may open doors to us we may never have imagined.

The choice, of course, is ours. What will you choose? Let me know in the comments below – I have to board the plane!

In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,




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