Affirming Our Good

Affirming Our Good October 28, 2015

affirmations-get-clientsDo you use affirmations? Or, do you understand what they are and how they work?

The use of affirmations – short, meaningful, positive statements to focus our minds on a goal or desire – is taught widely. Louise Hay, the well-known New Thought minister and healing-focus writer, made affirmations an everyday word in 1984 when she released her classic book, “You Can Heal Your Life.”

But do affirmations really work? Many people in my field would probably say, “YES!” with great enthusiasm. I have a one-word answer as well.


Will our car get us to the store? Maybe, if we take it out of the garage and the tank has gas in it. Will the bank honor the debit card we use when we get there? Probably, as long as we have money in our account.

Affirmations, like many other things in our lives, offer a conditional guarantee. They work, but only if we use them the right way.affirmation-deserve-success

Affirmative statements they are not the genie in the bottle that magically manifests our desire. Rather, they are a mechanical way to reprogram our thinking away from the mind goblins in our head who tell us we can’t have what we want. Affirmations provide the mental nutrients for the fertile soil in our minds into which we plant a seed that, if nurtured regularly, will grow into the desire we seek.

Above all else, we must believe that what we say is possible. Ernest Holmes wrote, “I believe that every affirmation I make will immediately take effect in my life. I fill every statement with joy; therefore, I expect joyful happenings.”

affirmations-vidya-sury-4This is the key to using affirmations in our life. We can use them for our health, relationships, career/full self-express and prosperity. There is really no limit to the way we can wise use this spiritual tool.

Do you have an ongoing issue that you’d like to move through and beyond? Consider using powerful and focused affirmative statements that mean something to you.* Align your thoughts with your desires. Then allow Spirit to move through you for your highest and greatest good.

In Spirit, Truth and Playfulness,


* For more information about how to use affirmations effectively, see pages 56-57 in my book, “How to Find Your Vision and Get a Life!



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