For the Overworked, Over-stressed, and Over-committed

For the Overworked, Over-stressed, and Over-committed July 30, 2014

Charles Spurgeon said, “Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God’s Word.”

I agree with Spurgeon wholeheartedly, though not even he could have predicted the difficulty we would have here is the 21st century with actually finding quiet time to connect with our God.  For many of us, it seems there are more tasks and responsibilities on our plates than there are hours in the day.  We are spread thin, to say the least, aren’t we?  And “unplugging” from all of our responsibilities is not easy; bills, career, family, church and household duties keep us so busy that when we do get a few moments to ourselves we want to “check out” and just…relax.  It’s a very understandable desire, given our situation.

But what I suggest is that we, the overwhelmed, the overworked, the over-stressed require intentional, solitary, undistracted time with Jesus much more than we just need to check out and relax.  Our spiritual survival actually depends on this, lest we face burnout….or worse, a big fall.

The quiet places, our devotion times, our prayer and scripture reading sessions alone, by ourselves are where the great war is won and lost for our stretched-thin souls.  Why else is our great enemy so committed to making our private times such a haven for destructive behavior?   It is in these places we must build a fortress around ourselves.  We need a space and a time that is intentionally reserved and sacred, where all but holy endeavors are unwelcome.

In short, guys, we have to make our quiet times sacred, and our utmost priority.

Nothing less will do.  At first it will be difficult, because there are always many things that require our attention.  And there will always be a potential distraction.

So, we must approach God by carving out time away from everything and everyone, alone, with walls up to the outside world.  It needs to be scheduled, and it needs to become a regimen.  We will begin by praying against distraction.   With our attention focused, we will ask God to rip everything out of our brains, save His voice.  Then, and only then, will we hear Him.  Then, and only then, will we sense the presence of The Spirit.   This time will be transformational, intentional, nutritional.  Stresses crushed.  Calm ensues.

We will emerge as men who not only handle stresses of life, but who thrive within them.

Have you been in fellowship with Him lately? We all need to spend time engaged in worship, in prayer, in still, undistracted moments of solitude, listening, conversing with Him, and crying out to Him. He will never leave you hanging if you come to Him undistracted. – p. 36-37, The Tin Soldiers

This is an excerpt from the forthcoming Tin Soldiers Study guide.  When combined with The Tin Soldiers book it forms a complete 52-week curriculum for personal study and small groups.  Preorder your copy here and get the book and t-shirt at a special price as well.


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