December 29, 2016

But in many instances what is being rejected is not actually expert opinion but the opinion of courtiers. To expand on Myers' metaphor, a courtier is one who possesses socially-recognized authority and peer-accepted knowledge, but that knowledge and authority is based on socio-political power structures rather than empirical reality. Read more

December 21, 2016

Whether we've failed once or seven times or a thousand, the thing we need to do is the same: get back up. Come again. Don't despair. Read more

December 16, 2016

Sure, there wasn't a magic guy with a flying sleigh, etcetera, but there was an aspect of the human experience, a generosity, that we could sensibly personify as the chubby fellow in red. Santa didn't live at North Pole, but in the human heart. Yes, Santa was our parents - humans incarnating a mythological role, each becoming for a moment here and there the avatar of that Christmas Spirit. Read more

December 15, 2016

Welcome to another Random Wednesday episode of The Zen Pagan. This week, just a few links for your reading and listening pleasure. It’s a holiday edition, so let’s start with some Christmas music. This article by Michael Brendan Dougherty about The Pogues’ “Fairytale of New York” is from last year but still more than worth a read: It is a masterpiece of compact storytelling: … Five words to tell us it’s a Christmas song and a love song. Four more... Read more

December 14, 2016

Seriously, it's getting cold out there. Warm clothing is seasonally appropriate. A good comfortable base layer is essential, and it's right up against your skin -- intimately close. Read more

December 8, 2016

To deal with social problems of all sorts, we need collaborative harm reduction policies, not harsh criminalization. Read more

December 6, 2016

This was my meditation lecture to my karate students last week. I hope that it might inspire others to think about the ways that the activities and organizations that they take part in, promote or fail to promote cosmopolitanism. Read more

December 1, 2016

"Every man should have a built-in automatic crap detector operating inside him." -- Ernest Hemingway Read more

November 29, 2016

The ethnic identities that our families pass along to us are part of our lived experience. But race is an artificial construct, invented to justify exploitation and keep oppressed people from uniting. Read more

November 25, 2016

The allure of fascism is that you, friend, can be part of that glorious struggle! Join our Great Leader, let some of his cosmic energy fill you up! Read more

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