January 22, 2014

What kind of hypocrite am I to go from prayer to yelling at my children in approximately ninety seconds? Read more

January 21, 2014

Blogger Samantha Field took me to task last week on "throwing feminism under the bus." Here's my response. Read more

January 17, 2014

No new books for me this week, but here are the articles I tweeted this week that you might enjoy: Family: “If This #Sochi Ad Doesn’t Make You Tear Up, Then Check Your Pulse” http://ow.ly/so1u9 #parenting #success http://ow.ly/i/4euvC MTV’s ‘16 and Pregnant’ helping to reduce #TeenPreganancies?ow.ly/szeaD #pregnancy #TeenMom @AnnieLowrey @nytimes  Disability  ‘An #Ethics for the Future of #GeneticTesting‘ ow.ly/sBLXX@ablerism @TheAtlantic  Dear ‘Daddy’ in Seat 16C ow.ly/sBKbg #Autism #SpeicalNeeds#Parenting @HuffPostBlog “Too often, people look at Ellie and see ‘#disability.’ They see ‘can’t’. “-Bret Bowerman ow.ly/sBQ3U @cnnhealth#DownSyndrome... Read more

January 16, 2014

Some thoughts on how I got from there to here, with thanks. Read more

January 14, 2014

Having Dad take time off makes for a more balanced family life Read more

January 13, 2014

Why, at a time when more and more fetuses with Down syndrome are aborted, are we celebrating the lives of the children and adults growing up in our midst? Read more

January 10, 2014

What's the most interesting thing you've read this week? Read more

January 8, 2014

An ad for the Olympics, family devotions, and parental mistakes have all brought me closer to understanding God's love for us. Read more

January 7, 2014

"What makes you anxious? Where is God in that anxiety? How could your anxiety be transformed into peace?" Read more

January 3, 2014

I've submitted my manuscript of Small Talk (hooray!) and here are some books and articles about faith and disability that might be of interest... Read more

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