The conservative longing for a dictatorship

The conservative longing for a dictatorship January 16, 2017
We want a dictator/savior
We want a dictator/savior

At our core, we want a “savior” who can fix things. In this case, it is likely our country has set upon a road to anarchy with its accompanied rise of a dictatorship.


Below is a reprint of an article written by a true-blue “I love America” person. It insults all liberals, calls Obama a Muslim and suggests that God put Trump in place. I assume the author represents much mainstream support for the P-E.

One quote that leaped off the page, ” In America we support our president whether we like him or not.” Unless, of course, that President happens to be a black man by the name of Barack Obama.

Several thoughts here. First, I admire Obama as a human being enormously. I don’t think he’s been a particularly effective President but his decency, compassion, and intelligence have touched me.

Second, while I voted for Hillary Clinton, I did it more to vote against Trump than for her. At this point, I’m relieved she lost. The Trump phenomenon has surfaced hatred, racism and general sickness in the US to such an extent that her presidency would have inevitably failed. If nothing else, we now know who we are: a profoundly ignorant people that a practiced con man has easily manipulated. At our core, we want a “savior” who can fix things. In this case, it is likely our country has set upon a road to anarchy with its accompanied rise of a dictatorship.

Third, there is nothing new here. Civilization has always been both fluid and fragile. We have no reason to expect that the US will be any different, which brings me to the fourth point:

Fourth: The kind of Christianity that the author of the post below adheres to, a common brand that sees the US as a “city on a hill” divinely set aside by God to save the world, is slowly destroying us from within. There is not one thing in Scripture that legitimately supports such a claim, nor is there anything in our political history that suggests we were ever a “Christian” nation.

Read it and weep. And then, let us rise up and actually follow Jesus.

Dear Liberal America, Democrats and Hollywood Hacks

All this anti-Trump stuff is old, and liberal non-democratic, anti-America is just being moronic. First of all if you live in this country, Donald Trump is your president! If you say he’s not, then why don’t you do us real, patriotic Americans a favor and LEAVE? Secondly, God has used imperfect people in roles for his…


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