The Link 10.2.09: Lausanne, Glenn Beck, and Falling Abortion Support Rates

The Link 10.2.09: Lausanne, Glenn Beck, and Falling Abortion Support Rates October 2, 2009

FrancisSchaeffer1. Have you heard of the Lausanne movement? They’re gearing up for the 2010 conference in Cape Town, South Africa.  John Stott, Billy Graham, and Francis Schaeffer were heavily involved in the 1974 gathering.  Sounds pretty cool.

2. Weekly Standard writer Noemie Emery spells out the recent troubles of our nation’s president.  Here’s a key slice of her commentary:

These are the five contradictions to Barack Obama that have misled the public, without the intent to deceive. He does have a complex, exotic, and intriguing background; he did rise by his gifts from inauspicious beginnings; he does have a genuinely moderate temperament (it is not possible to lie for this long about one’s personality); and it is hardly his doing that being biracial–a net minus when he was born at the start of the civil rights movement–had, by the time he was running for president, turned into a tactical plus.

But these things, which were true, were not the whole story. His background was wide, but his political world was remarkably limited; his early years were hard, but his political rise was too easy and effortless; his temperament was cool, but his agenda was otherwise; and in a number of areas he appealed at the same time to quite different people, whose desires were wholly opposed.

3. David Brooks excoriates talk-show personalities like Glenn Beck of the conservative movement and calls for new leadership in the movement.  He makes some good points, I think.

4. The town of Lodi, California will continue to invoke the Lord’s blessing on their meetings.  Good to hear.

5. What is it like to attend a prep-school while living in the American inner-city?  Here’s a look from the NYT Magazine.

6. Wonderful news: apparently, abortion support rates are falling “sharply,” according to CNN.  Let’s pray for much, much more of this.

–Have a great weekend, all.

(Image of Francis Schaeffer: VCY)

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