The Wild Goose Festival: The Music

The Wild Goose Festival: The Music June 29, 2011

I didn’t catch a ton of the music last weekend at the Wild Goose Festival, but I made sure to hear Jennifer Knapp, whom I’d known in her previous life as a “Christian” singer-songwriter.  She is now out as a lesbian, and her career is more about mainstream music.  She said from the stage that she no longer writes songs about faith, but she definitely talks about it — at least at a Christian festival.  She even recorded an “It Gets Better” video from the stage, with the help of the crowd (it doesn’t seem that her version of the video is yet online).

Jenifer Knapp at the Wild Goose Festival (photo by Courtney Perry)

I missed Over the Rhine, much to my disappointment, because I was hosting a Patheos Happy Hour at our RV.  I heard Derek Webb and David Wilcox from a distance.

Reverend Vince Anderson at the Wild Goose Festival (photo by Courtney Perry)

I fell in love with Reverend Vince Anderson‘s amazing ability to stir a crowd into a frenzy at one moment and have people in tears the next. As I wrote on Monday, he brought a power to the final(?) edition of the Church Basement Roadshow that we’d never seen.

David Bazan at the Wild Goose Festival (photo by Courtney Perry)

But my one will-not-miss performance was by David Bazan, whom I captured on the video below.  Bazan may have been the best theologian at the Wild Goose Festival.

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