On Missing the Memes

On Missing the Memes July 19, 2012

As I wrote recently, I’ve been a bit down recently. Part of the consequence of that is that I just can’t keep up with all of the inputs in my life. I can’t both read and write, for instance. Another consequence is that big blogging memes have passed me by.

I’ll admit, it’s hard to see Rachel and Scot and Fred weigh in on Ross Douthat’s ignorance about liberal Christianity, John Piper’s latest idiocy, and the recent offense by a “complementarian.” Hard because they get big traffic and tons of comments. These topics are red meat for you, dear readers. And they are for me, too.

But I cannot always keep up. I cannot always weigh in on the breaking news in the theological world.

I don’t want to be a bloggy ambulance chaser, taking every chance to drop the names Piper, Driscoll, and Bell, even though when I do my traffic spikes.*

So I’m going to keep at it. I’m not going to beat myself up when I miss a meme. I’m going to keep blogging every day — sometimes about Piper, but more often about God and prayer and theology.

And, while I’m on the topic, I’d love your ideas on themes you’d like to see explored here.

*Hear me well: I’m not accusing Rachel, Scot, and Fred of being ambulance chasers. In fact, I think the three of them are anything but. I actually think each of them is a better person than I, and I’m guessing that they don’t struggle with the temptation to blog about Piper, Driscoll just for the pageviews.

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