Write a Limerick for a Chance to Win Rachel Held Evans’s Book

Write a Limerick for a Chance to Win Rachel Held Evans’s Book October 22, 2012

There once was a lady from Dayton
Her hair did grow long, though not straightened,
Then the young Reformers,
Said she’d be much warmer,
In life everlasting with Satan.

A couple weeks ago, I held a contest giving readers the chance to win the new book by Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo. All you had to do was write a limerick about social justice. There were scores of entries, and I picked ten winners.

Thomas Nelson has now given me 10 copies of Rachel Held Evans’s new book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband “Master”.

So the contest is on! Write a limerick about Rachel, women’s issues, women in the Bible, Mark Driscoll, whatever, and leave it in the comment section of this post. Just remember to obey the rules of limericks. I’ll pick ten winners next week.

PS: Very few words rhyme with vagina.

PPS: Extra credit for rhyming with “vaginagate.”

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