9 Important Questions To Ask Before Getting a Tarot Reading

9 Important Questions To Ask Before Getting a Tarot Reading November 30, 2015

9 Tarot Questions photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
9 Tarot Questions photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

Every single tarot reading is different. It’s like a mini-relationship between you, the tarot reader, and the cards. In order to get the best reading possible there are certainly some questions you can and should ask to make the process go more smoothly. Many of these issues I have covered in the Divination Space Stations segments on this blog, featuring interviews with notable Pagans such as Dorothy Morrison and Deborah Lipp. Here, however is a short list of thing you may or may not have thought to ask.


  1. How long have you been reading tarot? Most professional readers agree that tarot is a lifelong study. Each reading presents new challenges and relationships, between the cards and the specific situation. Not that I wouldn’t get a reading from a beginner, but again similar to any other profession, someone who has just joined the ranks will have a different perspective than a seasoned veteran.
  2. How much do you charge? This is more of a practical question, but it is always good to be prepared and the price of readings can range from free into the hundreds of dollars.
  3. How did you get started reading? A person’s story is always important.

    Do you believe in the future photo by Derek Gavey. Question marks added. Licensed under CC 2.0
    Do you believe in the future photo by Derek Gavey. Question marks added. Licensed under CC 2.0

  4. What deck or decks do you read with? Why? A recent online search returned 3,353 different tarot decks. That is a lot to choose from. When doing a reading I usually offer clients a choice of several different decks, not 3,000, but ones from different paths and traditions so they can pick the images and symbolism that they feel most comfortable with.
  5. How long are your readings usually? This is another question where the answers can run the gamut. One of my godchildren offers simple quick readings with only a few cards, and I heard of one reader the other day that takes over 3 hours to complete a reading. All things are possible under the sun, the moon and the stars( or should i say the cups, the coins and the wands.)
  6. Will you allow recording of my reading? Even if the reader won’t let you use audio or video recording, consider taking detailed notes so you can remember what is said. If time allows run the notes by your reader, I once had a client hear only what they wanted to hear, instead of what I had said.
  7. How many questions can I ask? This is another practical question. Some of my clients come in with a long list of questions that they have been compiling for some time. If this is your situation it’s best to have a reader that will help you through each of these areas.
  8. Do you do spellwork or ritual work if I need additional help? Tarot is a very useful psychic tool that can help people in many different ways. Most often I find it gives plenty of solutions to the problems at hand. That said, some people do need additional help. Some of the worst readings I have ever experienced were from people who laid out a difficulty, and then didn’t give guidance as to how to navigate it.
  9. What’s the best way to contact you if I need another reading? Like most humans, psychics are busy people. Almost every reader I know will drop a client if they call repeatedly, or at ungoddessly hours.


Tarot readings can provide direction and insight into your life in all situations. In order to have the best experience you should come prepared. For those who would like to schedule a tarot reading with me, Lilith Dorsey, please email me at voodoouniverse@yahoo.com

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