Voodoo Universe’s 400th Post: What’s New, What’s Next ?

Voodoo Universe’s 400th Post: What’s New, What’s Next ? October 8, 2016

Voodoo Universe photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
Voodoo Universe photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

400 posts. Sometimes I’m in awe of the body of work we have put together for this blog over the years. We profile accurate and respectful information about the religions of New Orleans Voodoo, Haitian Vodou, La Regla Lucumi, and other Afro-Diasporan traditions.  There are important posts that I am very proud of, ones that help to correct stereotypes and document vital histories. There are those that are necessary, for better or worse, like the one last week about Help My Ex is Doing A Hex. Then there are those that you probably need but don’t even know it yet. 400 posts are a lot and if you have the time, I’ve got the posts, and I humbly suggest you go back to see if there is something you may have missed. Thanks so much for reading !

Altar for Chango Feast and Ritual, photo by Lilith Dorsey
Altar for Chango Feast and Ritual, photo by Lilith Dorsey

Many times I have had the pleasure of sharing food posts with some of my favorite ritual recipes for the Gods, Goddess, Orisha and Lwa. Undoubtedly the one that sparked the most controversy was Chango’s Cashew Chili, well we all know Chango is fiery. I think many people objected not to the recipe but to the fact that the accompanying photo included some altar items that they felt were inappropriate. No I’m not talking about something sexual or spoiled, It was a photograph of James Dean. Which in hindsight I realize needed some explanation. Over my 25 plus years of experience setting up altars and ritual spaces very often the element of chance has come into play. There was the time We did a veve for Agwe and the shadows from the wall made the imprint of a fishnet on top. Or the times when it jumped, flipped or otherwise fell into place amidst the sacred space. These are seen as divine reminders of possibility, so when a photograph of James Dean, the powerful actor, iconoclast, and racecar driver whose life was taken too soon, fell among the items for that year’s Chango altar, we left it. Nevertheless, the recipe is delicious, so check out the link above to try it out !

What’s New ?

I’m so proud of my new instagram challenge for myself and hopefully all of you reading this. #31daysofsamhain

#31DaysofSamhain instagram challenge photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
#31DaysofSamhain instagram challenge photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

is the hashtag to use on instagram this month to show your visual love for your ancestors, and all things related to Samhain. Some great images are popping up already, so please join us !

What’s Next ?

I’ve been leaving little excited hints here and there on social media, but I’d like to officially announce the upcoming release of my new book Love Magic published by Weiser. It is available for pre-order now on Amazon, and will be in everyone’s hot little hands by December. Based on years of magical experience and prodigious research, this book includes sections on such topics as self-love, marriage, fertility, erotic adventures, the ethics of love magic, and more.

What’s Free ? Our Screw Columbus Day Giveaway

African-American Ritual Cookbook by Lilith Dorsey
African-American Ritual Cookbook by Lilith Dorsey

I’ve gotten a lot of buzz lately around my African-American Ritual cookbook. It contains ritual dishes to enjoy and share with those you love. Hopefully by now everyone knows Columbus Day is a ricockulous holiday celebrating someone didn’t really discover America, because it was full of native people already. People who suffered and were almost destroyed by Eurocentric agression. Columbus wasn’t even the 1st European to land on these shores, that honor goes to Lief Erickson. So in an effort to give back, and also give the finger to this unpleasant event, which spurs more sales than it does sympathy and understanding, I’ve decided to give away copies of my cookbook. It is always available for free to those who have kindle direct, but this weekend it will be free for everyone to download. The promotion will end on Monday so act now, as spread the word. And please if you enjoy what you get consider leaving me a review ( I need help with the haters.)

What You Can Do !

Unfortunately, blogging doesn’t pay very well. Most months it doesn’t pay at all. Some of my fellow bloggers have made a “buy me a cup of coffee” button where you can send them $3 to have a drink on them. Coffee does make the world go around. If you’d like to show your appreciation and send me $3 for a delicious beverage click here and I’ll be truly grateful you even get a free gift download. There are other ways to help too, we have recently set up a patreon account, click here to support us with a small monthly donation, so the videos, photos, and information you love will keep coming. Another option to keep in mind is our amazon store, there is a link in the tabs above, and if you access the site that way you can help us out when you purchase household staples, download your favorite videos, or buy your florida water. Last but not least I need to say thanks, and if you have enjoyed what you found here in our over 400 posts, Please remember to share, share, share!

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