Eucharistic Sacrifice: An Ecumenical Attempt (or, Brett Reads a Paper)

Eucharistic Sacrifice: An Ecumenical Attempt (or, Brett Reads a Paper) May 27, 2011

I recently completed my third (and final!) comprehensive exam.  This means that the only thing remaining in my doctoral studies is to propose and write a dissertation.  I was fortunate that the Toronto School of Theology Liturgy Seminar invited me to present my work for colleagues here at the TST.  Because the Liturgy Seminar records and podcasts all the presentations it hosts, I am able to share my third comp with you in an audio form.  (It was 39 pages, which is much too long for a blog post.)  The audio form is not a perfect transposition of my written work.  In fact, I speak to, rather than read, the first 20 pages and skip some lengthy quotes in the second half of the paper in order to save time.  I also speak extemporaneously at various points during the presentation.  In any case, I am happy to share the results with our Vox Nova readership.  Now you can see what I’m up to when I’m not blogging or playing baseball with toddlers.

To access the podcast, click here.  If this does not work, follow the link above and look for podcasts on the left hand side of the page.  Mine is currently at the top of the list.

Listeners will hear me mentioning and quoting from several works, so I thought it might be helpful to include at least a partial bibliography for those interested.

James Alison, Knowing Jesus

Benedict XVI, Introduction to Christianity

Benedict XVI, Many Religions – One Covenant:  Israel, the Church, and the World

Benedict XVI, Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith:  The Church as Communion

Benedict XVI, The Spirit of the Liturgy

Robert J. Daly S.J., Sacrifice Unveiled:  The True Meaning of Christian Sacrifice

David Fagerberg, “Divine Love, Divine Liturgy,” in The Hermeneutic of Continuity: Christ, Kingdom and Creation

George Hunsinger, The Eucharist and Ecumenism:  Let us Keep the Feast

Roch Kereszty O.Cist. (I later learned it is pronounced “Rock”), Wedding Feast of the Lamb:  Eucharistic Theology from a Historical, Biblical, and Systematic Perspective

Matthew Levering, Sacrifice and Community:  Jewish Offering and Christian Eucharist

Alexander Schmemann, For the Life of the World

Raymund Schwager S.J.,  Jesus and the Drama of Salvation:  Toward a Biblical Doctrine of Redemption

Albert Cardinal Vanhoye S.J., Old Testament Priests and the New Priest

I would also mention that the beginning of my thinking on this topic was stimulated by Robert Barron’s video entitled simply Eucharist.  It is excellent.

Brett Salkeld is a doctoral student in theology at Regis College in Toronto. He is a father of two (so far) and husband of one.

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